New BYC coop in high desert (apple valley) CA

Textual update. The coop will be quite finished this weekend. We have 6 chicks: 3 buff polish, 2 large fowl salmon faverolles, and 1 bantam cochin (cute as a button!). All can be seen on my lame asset video-

My question is this.
The coop is 4x8 (32sq f)
The run 10x24 (240sq f).
My zoning ordinance lets me have 6 chickens
I'd like to add about 3 or 4 more faverolles for laying purposes.

Is my coop too small for that? math says 8 is maximum, but the polish and bantam cochin seem like a smallish breed.
Does anyone else misbehave with zoning maximum numbers?
Thanks for your help with my question.
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I wouldn't worry about the zoning regulations, especially up in Apple Valley, I'd say no more than one rooster, and nobody should be complaing. I figure 2 bantams really only take up the space of one LF, or that's how we're figuring it for ourselves anyways!
Great video. . . everyone needs a good laugh now and then. . . Lucky chicken hairdressers got their tips the way they like them, with crunchy exoskeletons!!
Jonathon you sure do some good work! I can't remember a project I've started that didn't end up costing $$$ more and taking twice as long. That's part of the joys of DIY, kind of a gambling addiction if you will.

By the's good to see another ham on the site.

I've worked on my sunburn and have made a little progress on the coop, so I thought I'd update.



It's still a bit messy from construction, and you can see lots of wood in the run. I'm thinking about leaving some of it, as the chooks and the rabbit love to run behind it.

This is Runt. He's a POSER!

The egg boxes, still working on them.

Here is the ramp. It's pretty funny to watch the chicks run down it in the morning. It's definitely a "WHEEEEEEE" moment.

I'll be posting a silly youtube video on the chooks looking all confused at dusk.
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Here's a silly video. The chooks were begging me to take them into the house, but me and my wife hung out in the coop and coaxed them into the coop for about an hour. This Faverolles was taken down town and booked for 'alleged' vagrancy. He'll be under coop arrest, but please note- All chooks are considered innocent until proven guilty.

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