New BYC death on slow connections, slow computers; site crashes and hangs web browser...

Oh crap LOL hold on....

1). Intel Pentium Dual CPU 2.40GHz
64 bit Operating System

...and now I have roll my chair over to the other computer!!!

I forgot to add #1 is an Athlon Dual CPU

Now # 2) Intel Pentium 4 CPU 3.20GHz
RAM 2.5
32 bit Operating System
I forgot to add #1 is an Athlon Dual CPU

Now # 2) Intel Pentium 4 CPU 3.20GHz
RAM 2.5
32 bit Operating System

wait a second I was looking at the wrong book on #1 I got too many **** computers in my house LOL! 5 desktops plus a laptop at the boyfriend's house! Its not Athlon, its Celeron Dual Core E! I feel like such a... sigh... that's what I get for being an mildly A.D.D. P.T.S.D. Chicken Raisin' Techo Geek! LOL #2 is still correct I just double checked!
Yeah Valk, I was poking at you in a friendly manner, that's why I put a LOL :) in there, because I was expecting technical advice for my issue, not being told that downloading more stuff just to prevent my puter from downloading stuff or that paying somebody my hard earned $$$ would fix it. ;)

I thought 1 gb RAM might have a little something to do with it, although there's a setting in "control panel/system/advanced" that is sposed to use my hard drive as RAM when resources run low. Maybe I need to look there?
Any more advice I'm all ears. Thanks! :)
Yeah Valk, I was poking at you in a friendly manner, that's why I put a LOL
in there, because I was expecting technical advice for my issue, not being told that downloading more stuff just to prevent my puter from downloading stuff or that paying somebody my hard earned $$$ would fix it.

I thought 1 gb RAM might have a little something to do with it, although there's a setting in "control panel/system/advanced" that is sposed to use my hard drive as RAM when resources run low. Maybe I need to look there?
Any more advice I'm all ears. Thanks!

Oh careful there with those settings now! I never go near those! Do you own a desktop? Or laptop? I love desktops - they're so easy to work with, for example the CMOS battery on a desktop motherboard takes 5 seconds to change! On the laptop however (under supervision), I tried one once and will avoid it all costs to do it again if I can because it took me two hours to take it apart and put it back together!!! Same kind of deal with RAM there too!
It's a Dell Inspiron laptop, only about 10 years old. hahahha I hate working on it. I had to google how to take it apart first time I worked on it.
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I'd say that trusty ol' Linux box is the faster of the two.

And you are correct!!! Even with my error, not Athlon but a Celeron instead - my trusty Linux is still faster! With Linux I don't have to run anti-virus in the background hogging precious memory & processing! Now I love my Windows for Photoshop and a few other small programs I can't get (yet!) with Linux. But for the general computer user who emails, surfs, watches video, etc., it's not a bad operating system - my 11 year old loves it more than Windows too! I've revived "dead" computers with Linux that wouldn't install or boot Windows because they were too old!
It's a Dell Inspiron laptop, only about 10 years old. hahahha I hate working on it. I had to google how to take it apart first time I worked on it.

LOL uh ohhh! I'll have to double check where the RAM is at on that, my neighbor owns one of those! Great little laptop, and I worked on two for a friend whose grandkids were ruining their "good" desktop computer by downloading music on it! I installed Zorin Lite on both of those laptops and the grandkids are happy and i haven't gotten a phone call to come back and fix anything!
Just want to mention that 1GB of RAM is extremely small - even if using virtual memory - for today's operating systems. I am surprised you aren't having issues running multiple applications and browsing at other sites as well. Also, I suggest making sure that your Flash is up to date - in the event that it's these flash ads that are slowing you down.
Just want to mention that 1GB of RAM is extremely small - even if using virtual memory - for today's operating systems. I am surprised you aren't having issues running multiple applications and browsing at other sites as well.  Also, I suggest making sure that your Flash is up to date - in the event that it's these flash ads that are slowing you down.

I have no issues dancing around the fire in my loincloth in front of my cave while running my t2050 @ 1.6 gig but the last 40 times Flash wanted to update I clicked the "Remind Me Later" button.
Thanks for pointing me in the right direction. :)

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