New BYC death on slow connections, slow computers; site crashes and hangs web browser...

As far as I'm concerned, bandwidth usage and cookies are the least of what's wrong on BYC, but those of you who joined after 2012 probably won't understand.

I know what you're talking about--the great update of jan '12--I read a lot of old threads. If you are on a lot of forums, however, BYC software seems top-notch compared to most other options.
As far as I'm concerned, bandwidth usage and cookies are the least of what's wrong on BYC, but those of you who joined after 2012 probably won't understand. :(

I know what you're talking about--the great update of jan '12--I read a lot of old threads. If you are on a lot of forums, however, BYC software seems top-notch compared to most other options. 

BYC's software may seem nice, probably from a technical background, but it doesn't compare to what members lost, and what got added on but wasn't needed. Like a confusing multi-quote feature, album links in people's sigs that clutter things up, but the won't allow smileys in them unless you're a GFM. Single quotes are even worse because you need the post number (which is usually in the millions) instead of just the person's name. A block feature that doesn't tell who's blocked you. Multiple albums which make things harder to manage than a central folder. The fact that you can't delete PM's unless you've got 25+ that you want to delete makes for a very cluttered inbox. Blue bars on the edge of the site that make it harder on your eyes than the old smooth gray if you spend a while on the computer. It's even worse as neon green or the current white. The ovation feature that makes some people's posts seem more important then others'. That little annoying red button on the screen that makes it blaringly obvious how many subscribed threads you haven't visited enough though you don't care. The advertisements that play videos if you so much is put a pixel of your mouse on them. Not being able to see other people's or even your own posts beyond the 1000 most recent. Not being able to edit a post after a few days. Not being able to control the mount of posts of threads in a page unless you're a PPM. The fact that you can't see who we have for staff (there used to be an area int he middle of the forum index where you could find who was Admin, Mod, GFM, PPM, and member. That you can't search members by assorted data like posts counts, first letter in their name, etc..... Sorry about the rant but this really gets me annoyed and you probably won't find those details in the old posts. :oops: I'll go find someplace to lurk now.
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Thanks Ivan-- I recheck that and it is correctly set up. HOwever with a little more sleutthing I found the problem was from another source, not BYC, and an advertiser had gone ahead with installing a program tha I had said NO to. I don't keeep any vital info on my CP because I was suspiscious of this possibility.

I deleted the program and rebooted-- cookies gone!!
When our machines are too bogged down to click thru to a sponser's ad it defeats the purpose of paid ads. If the sponsers don't get click thrus, they stop buying ad space.
I'm ok with this site being slow but when it messes up *MY* puter so that it won't even work on the rest of the internets, then there is a problem. It may be as simple as the site programers rewriting a little code to fix a bug. Or there may be a faulty server on a hop that only affects certain geographical locations, might not even be BYC's fault. Or maybe they need to say hey chickenlegs you idiot update your java and flash.
I'm not demanding perfection, or really even complaining, just pointing out a problem that admin may be unaware of.

Hi, I was having a problem also. I switched from internet explorer to google chrome for my browser and what a difference that made. Now I have no problem with the BYC site.
I fooled with my virtual memory and page file and totally bodged up my puter. Got it back to normal, killed Flash and now things are slightly better. It was those flash ads causing my problem.
Quote: BYC's software may seem nice, probably from a technical background, but it doesn't compare to what members lost, and what got added on but wasn't needed. Like a confusing multi-quote feature, album links in people's sigs that clutter things up, but the won't allow smileys in them unless you're a GFM. Single quotes are even worse because you need the post number (which is usually in the millions) instead of just the person's name. A block feature that doesn't tell who's blocked you. Multiple albums which make things harder to manage than a central folder. The fact that you can't delete PM's unless you've got 25+ that you want to delete makes for a very cluttered inbox. Blue bars on the edge of the site that make it harder on your eyes than the old smooth gray if you spend a while on the computer. It's even worse as neon green or the current white. The ovation feature that makes some people's posts seem more important then others'. That little annoying red button on the screen that makes it blaringly obvious how many subscribed threads you haven't visited enough though you don't care. The advertisements that play videos if you so much is put a pixel of your mouse on them. Not being able to see other people's or even your own posts beyond the 1000 most recent. Not being able to edit a post after a few days. Not being able to control the mount of posts of threads in a page unless you're a PPM. The fact that you can't see who we have for staff (there used to be an area int he middle of the forum index where you could find who was Admin, Mod, GFM, PPM, and member. That you can't search members by assorted data like posts counts, first letter in their name, etc..... Sorry about the rant but this really gets me annoyed and you probably won't find those details in the old posts.
I'll go find someplace to lurk now.

It's a matter of perspective. I've seen the old software since I've been on the easy garden, and to me, that one is very difficult to get used to.

And the world of forum software is a mess right now. :p. Don't even get me started...
I too switched to Google Chrome (from IE) and what a difference! Everything is faster! I really like BYC - It's free, helpful and interesting. I can't complain. :)
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I had lost the "toolbar" at the top of the reply page until TODAY, when AOL offered an upgrade, and now it's suddenly returned!!!!!!!!!!!

Hopefully it will actually work as designed now

It's WONDERFUL to have things actually WORK again!
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