New chick keeps shaking his head

Volcanic Egger

6 Years
Dec 5, 2013
Volcano, CA
I just received 8 new chicks from Meyers on Tuesday. My 3 day old Cream Legbar roo keeps shaking his head every few seconds like he has a tickle around his face somewhere. Does anyone know what may be causing this and if this will pass? He is also the runt of the batch of chicks.

Thanks for the help. Newbie here.
It can be many things from stretching of the crop for growth to vitamin deficiency and neurological issues. Try adding raw honey to their water and see if that helps a little. Watch the head to make sure that it is not getting stuck on the back as that is a sign of a neurological issue. More then likely coming from a hatchery it is just that one stretching the crop while it is growing. I have had some that do it more then the rest for up to a week. Keep a close eye on it and monitor how much it eats and drinks.
He only does it while he is trying to fall asleep. The rest of the time I don't notice it. The first day I got him I noticed he was the runt of the batch and he wasn't as active or hungry/thirsty as the rest. He drinks and eats his share now and is active. He already acts like a roo though. He only sleeps after all the others have crashed out and he stands vigilant over them until he passes out like chicks do.

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