New chick pecking/feather eating


In the Brooder
Jun 4, 2020
I picked up 3 approximately 2 week old chicks on Monday from a breeder. They spent about 3 hours in a box in the car and were pretty scared when I got home. I put them in my smaller brooder coop. When I checked on them one of the chicks back had been pecked of her feathers. I watched them and they didn’t do anymore than facial pecking at the food bin. This morning I woke up to all of them having bald patches. I separated them and applied a no more pecking product and added a red light. A little while ago I tried to put them back together and they just picked the face to go after on each other. I don’t know what to do. They are an olive egger, mint egger and a Beilefelder. I have juvenile EE that are separated from them and they have never done this so I am at my wits end.
75 to 80 is the temp. I have no warmer on as the breeder told me they had not been under a heat lamp before I picked them up. I use 18% chick starter. The coop is 2 foot by 4 foot for these three chicks. I raised my 5 EE in there until a couple weeks ago and they never did this. They will be moving to a bigger coop that is 8X12 when I integrate them in a couple weeks but they even did this in a 2 foot by 10 foot run
Do you know if these chicks can from the same group? We're they raised together?

You may need to divide your brooder up to 3 sections for a few days until they settle in more. Than maybe try again combining them.
I have one in a pet crate and one in a box with one in the coop for now. That’s a good idea to maybe keep them apart for a while. Since she breeds several kinds I’m thinking they weren’t together before this.
That would explain their hostility if they were from different groups or batches. Let them become familiar with each other through the fence for a week or so.

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