New Chicken keeper- This may be an emergency I need some help


5 Years
Mar 2, 2014
(please forgive my grammar and spelling) Okay so- Im new to chickens my girls will be 3 weeks old on friday. I have 2 Gold wyadottes, 2 barred rocks, 2 black sex links, and 2 production reds.

Ive had them about 2 weeks now.

Everyone has been healthy aside from the smallest bird, Clove who is not growing as fast as the others- (Not the issue. shes eating, drinking and spunky)

Yesterday night my flock got a small draft from an open window that my husband opened ( he didnt know.) It was open for about 30-45 mins and it was windy... The brooder temp dropped to about 75-80 But we warmed it back up pretty quick to 90-95.

My brooder is a kiddy swimming pool set up to do so. It has a wood shaving floor (I just found out that pine is the only acceptable bedding for chickens but chicken people sold me this bedding so I assume it is safe for them-) Perches to get up an on things and of coarse, clean food and water.

Last night, My cat decided to spray a wall for the first time and I cleaned the mess up with Vinegar/water and a splash of orange pinesol. The chickens are kept upstairs, the mess was downstairs.

I knoticed after I came up from cleaning the mess my girls are sneezing and it sounded a bit wet. Not having anything to treat them on hand, I added ACV to the water (I didnt have the one with the mother, so i used a little filtered then got some Braggs this morning) and some garlic powder to their food. I also offered them some Kitchen Oregano reading that it helps with this sort of thing.

I feed unmedicated feed. I give greens every day (not tons, a handful or two of dill, Dried kitchen oregano, chive and a little sprouted lettuce) Egg shell, some parakeet gravel (was told they'd need a bit because of the greens)

(before i forget she took her first dust bath night before last and man, she got filthy- it was everywhere- dust maybe?but it doesnt explain everyone else :( )

Now, today everyone has been fine. A few small sneezes here and there but generally better than last night,
I changed the shavings today on the brooder floor.

Tonight, i noticed my larger BSL is wheezing when she lays down and still has a snotty sneeze.

Im worried for her, and probably rightfully so. Everyone else seems fine. infact, she seems a little lethargic but not majorly so- she is eatting and drinking well and her poop is pretty well normal. Doesnt look runny or gross has just a little bit of white on a dark green base.

THere is SO MUCH CRAP on the internet about chicken breathing but its all gape worm... Ive never had chickens these are my first and its pretty hard to tell what is going on with a chick by watching chicken videos ya know?

I need to know how you guys would treat this- Where do i get medication if it is needed (no vet around here) and ANY information you can give me. I am very found of the little lass. her name is Stella.

I've been very careful with my girls up until yesterday- it was a total day from hell around this house. I am telling you guys what has happened so you have the information. :)

Ive removed the pie tin and blue bowl.

(yes its very ghetto. I am adding netting over the top this week before we have any curious little flyers break free.)

I keep the chickens in the same room- about 10 feet across from a small aviary of budgies. They are all fine- Noisy little brats. Never been sick. All seem fine.
Welcome to BYC. These are babies, and they really can't tolerate ACV, and all the herbs and greens in the diet. ACV can be very irritating to a chick's gut, and so can the herbs. I'm surprised they don't have diarrhea. They need to be on plain chick starter with clean water, and nothing else until they go outside. Many chicks will sneeze with dust from feed or pine shavings, or from a build-up of ammonia in the litter from poo. They do a bit of air circulation over their heads without the draft of course. Did you get them from a breeder locally or from a feed store or hatchery? I hope you don't take offense about the herbs and ACV, but a lot of people tend to go overboard about those things with older chickens, and baby chicks just can't tolerate them.
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No offence taken, really. You're not being mean or rude or anything! I'm glad you told me. There is literally SO MUCH information rolling around I'm not sure what to do or not do. I have been reading the book "an egg a day" and followed the advice from a blog online about giving them some greens daily and ACV. I don't see Diarrhea but I will stop the ACV at once.

I keep a window cracked so that the air does move. I keep their tub clean- I add new shavings daily and remove them all at the end of the week. They are well shielded from drafts most of the time- as long as a window is not open all the way from a well meaning husband, helping air the room out.

I got them from a feed store that has many different breeds, in Kiowa Colorado.

I'll fix those things up- But what about the sneezing and rasping? She sounds a bit crunchy when she breathes. Do you recommend anything? I'm trying to get a charge on my android to post a video of what she's doing.

She seems to be fine when shes moving around, when she lays down she sounds like a snoring human.

I read somewhere that Vetrx is like a vapor-rub for them... but i dont have any in my area. Could i set an open can of Vicks near the tub to help keep their sinuses clear? hope its not a totally dumb question.

Look forward to a reply.
please help
I just noticed you had posted in duck forum. Do a search on forums,type "hatched duckling with intestines hanging out" or similar wording to describe condition, there are some posts that might be helpful.

Poor little thing,hope you find help soon!
She passed : (
My condolences,i'm so very sorry nothing could be done for her. I suspected she would not make it last night when i saw your post,her condition was very severe and although this does not help,was best for her,now she is not suffering or in pain.
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