New Chicken keeper- This may be an emergency I need some help

No offence taken, really. You're not being mean or rude or anything! I'm glad you told me. There is literally SO MUCH information rolling around I'm not sure what to do or not do. I have been reading the book "an egg a day" and followed the advice from a blog online about giving them some greens daily and ACV. I don't see Diarrhea but I will stop the ACV at once.

I keep a window cracked so that the air does move. I keep their tub clean- I add new shavings daily and remove them all at the end of the week. They are well shielded from drafts most of the time- as long as a window is not open all the way from a well meaning husband, helping air the room out.

I got them from a feed store that has many different breeds, in Kiowa Colorado.

I'll fix those things up- But what about the sneezing and rasping? She sounds a bit crunchy when she breathes. Do you recommend anything? I'm trying to get a charge on my android to post a video of what she's doing.

She seems to be fine when shes moving around, when she lays down she sounds like a snoring human.

I read somewhere that Vetrx is like a vapor-rub for them... but i dont have any in my area. Could i set an open can of Vicks near the tub to help keep their sinuses clear? hope its not a totally dumb question.

Look forward to a reply.
I've never seen a chick with a respiratory disease, but I suppose she could have been exposed at the feed store somehow. I can't speak for VetRx, an herbal oil compound containing camphor and other oils, because I haven't used it. Vicks is camphor, eucalyptis, and menthol--probably not a good idea. If you isolate this chick you could try giving it Duramycin10 or Terramycin in it's water to see if it helps, but I wouldn't want to give antibiotics to all of the chicks, and I'm reluctant to suugest antibiotics at all for a chick.. You also could just watch it to see if it gets worse. Keep it warm, and make sure that the nasal passages are free of secretions or stuck food particles.

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