New Chicken Mommy


6 Years
Mar 18, 2017
I got an Isa brown chick as therapy pet.
She will be fully indoors. She is roughly 2 weeks old and I am looking for any and all advice and tips for caring for her as well as pampering her. Penelope is my pampered poultry princess and I look forward to hearing from experienced owners
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They are flock animals, as much attention as you can give her, you are not a chicken. She will have nobody to talk to. This is not pampering, it's imprisoning.
Herd or flock species will have high anxiety levels when denied the company of others of their kind.
I'm not
I'm not concerned with the dust as all I do is clean anyways. I am going to use chicken diapers to control her poop. I have also ready that a higher quality diet as well as a feeding schedule vs free feeding will help balance and regulate her. I feel it is unrealistic to think any creature wouldn't be happy indoors if given adequate care and love.
Edited to control my rage.

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Like most above said the chicken would be happier outside with friends!
Trust me it is therapy enough watching a few chickens grazing happily in some green grass. And most people will agree with me.
Trying to make a chicken vegan would be like trying to make a cow a carnivore IMO.
Any animal is happier living in it's its natural environment, trust me watching my show birds run outside the one time a month they go out will definently tell you this.

Whatever you choose is your choice but think of what the animal would like best and what you think the animal would think is best for itself. Not what you think is best for it
Chickens are not meant to be housepets. Chickens are meant to live in a flock, outside. They need to scratch, and dustbathe, chase and eat bugs, and BE CHICKENS.
As a vegan, you are probably very concerned about the care of animals, and I applaud that. But there has to be a line drawn. It's selfish to take an animal that's meant to be outside being an animal and keep it away from all the things that make it what it is just to satisfy your need/want for a pet. Please rethink your decision. If you are unwilling to give this bird an outdoor home with friends, please rehome it. And if you're unwilling to meet the real, actual needs of a pet, don't have one. Chickens are not vegans. Dogs are not vegans. Cats are not vegans. You cannot impose your morality on millions of years of evolution. It's UNETHICAL, and the absolute pinnacle of arrogance.
By raising a chicken inside, you are denying it adequate care. You are denying that animal the inherent right to be what it is. You are being cruel and selfish. Please, PLEASE give this chicken the happy life it's meant to have. They need a flock, and dirt, and bugs, grass and sunshine. Not to be kept by a human who will keep them stewing in their own waste in a diaper. That is by no stretch of the imagination providing love or adequate care.
I mean no criticism, but why not choose a cat? They will be very happy to be your only pet, are cuddly and friendly( if you choose the right one), smart and easy to litter box train. The only thing is they aren't vegans, but if you feed a cat the appropriate commercial diet, you won't see the meat.
Like it was mentioned in above posts, you will have a lot of fun watching chickens do their antics outside. Just provide this chick w some friends now if you want to keep her, because it's still time for her to accept younger chicks. If you wait too long, you'll have to integrate her into a flock which can be done, but requires more work. I can see you probably don't know much about chickens and their needs, that's why many folks here are trying to help. We as humans can make the choices we deem appropriate for ourselves, but the animals is our care need us to make the right choices for their well being.
Best of luck to you. If you need any help w chicken raising, this site has a great learning center and loads of people willing to help out.

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