New chicks a comin' . . . again!

Nov 7, 2021
Lyric's World
Just opened email from Meyer and my babies have hatched. I notice when they say, "Your chicks will arive this day (one); that day (2); or the other day (3) - it always seems that we get them the next day. :gig That's cool because I am off work tomorrow. Either way, I work 'round the corner from the post office and should be no problem to go get 'em, take 'em home and get them settled and return to work. Then again, p o usually calls me before they open so I can go get, bring home, THEN report for work.

So check it, these are THREE, frizzle easter egger pullets!!!! HOW COOL IS THAT? I am going to baby those babies Oh boy. I kinda wish I had a separate coop and everything for them. Alas, we do not.

My other gails are a year old now. Wow, what a difference a day (year) makes. I'm still no chicken expert, but it is kinda a fun hobby/prep thing. Hubby processed one bird over the last year and I confess I did not partake. Not so much because I named him like some folk say. Pssst, I did not like how he looked after hubby got through with him. He did not look like a supermarket bird and I just couldn't stomach eating him. His skin was, um, grey. Weird, eh?? Hubby ate though. Anywho, I suppose I should say I am more into eating the eggs and I'll save eating their flesh for when the SHTF and we are in survival, stave off starvation mode (I hear 2024).
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Bo Peep had pasty butt but hubby stepped in and handled it (tee heee hee). They sure do grow quickly.

I'm babying this bunch though like I did our first breeder group. I'm not letting them out of their brooder until the last of next month. At that point I will have two sets brooding in the same room; different pet play pens. We have some black australorp and marans pullets coming next month.

I will just deal with the chick dander. I have sheets on top of the furniture in the brooder room this time. Their pet playpen arrives tomorrow from Amazon. I'll put them in as soon as I get in from work then.


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