New chicks arrived!


8 Years
Apr 7, 2011
Northern Pennsylvania
Ordered from Meyer weeks ago for delivery this week. The chicks shipped yesterday and the local post office called today at 1:30pm that they were here.

Introduced each one to the water and they drank right up, then to the chick starter and they have been eating like crazy! They all seem in great shape. Three Buff Orpingtons, three Dominques, three Silver Laced Wyandottes and one mystery chick, the little fellow in the front middle.

They look great....I have 8 coming next week from Meyer and am very nervous about them making it ok ....yours seemed to survive the shipment well. So do they always send an extra chick with the order?? Keep us posted on their progress. Good luck!
Meyer does a special called a Meyer Meal Maker. It is a free chick that they offer on their site and through their catalog. Meyer Meal Maker

They ask that you raise it to laying or butchering age and then donate the eggs or meat to a needy local family or charity.

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