New Chicks in the Flock (pic heavy!)

(Okay, yes I have some rooster paranoia. :oops: I don't keep roosters in my flock and so they end up as huge pains in my rear once they've got the hormones flowing...)

An unimaginable indignity has been performed on the chicks. They had a butt-wiping performed to clean up some pasty-butt.

It was not without some stink-eye.

Pip keeps her butt in pristine conditions. She didn't need a butt-wiping.

SWSSU thinks that's downright unfair!

On a sadder note, Iddy Biddy doesn't seem to be doing so well. I'll keep y'all posted on her condition as we try to work her through it.
there cute alright. i just got 12 more americonas (1) and roadisland whites(11) its funy how hard it s not to get attached to your egg layers because you originallystarted out saying they were gonna befood after they slowed down on laying lol .
Things weren't looking good for Iddy Biddy last night. I observed her for a while and made her drink a few times, and just before 11 pm, it appeared she was gasping for breath. I feared the worst, figuring she would be gone by this morning.

But quite the contrary, Iddy Biddy bounced back! I got up and peeked into the brooder this morning just in time to see her darting around with the other little ones. She's eating and drinking again, and by golly she has eyes! I guess a good butt-wiping was all she needed. :lol: (Here's hoping it's not a trend; thus far in my possession, she's been okay, worse, better, worse, and now better again. That's quite a lot of flip-flopping for a two-day-old chick.)

Here's Iddy Biddy this morning:

I was trying to get a pic of her scratching, but apparently she noticed and decided to give me a stink-eye instead. :idunno

Now, looking back on my other posts, I noticed that little Sassy Marans is being neglected. Why, that simply cannot happen!

So here's Sassy Marans using SWSSU (who, shockingly, is sleeping sitting down!!) as a pillow:

Or, at least she's trying to:

Sassy Marans and Pip have now lost their egg teeth, but Sassy Marans (perhaps in an attempt to get back at me for not taking more pictures of her) would not pose long enough for me to get a shot of her now-tooth-free beak. Here's Pip, anyway:
Okay, one last picture for now. I switched the setting on my camera for some close-up shots without even thinking about the fact that that setting allows flash. The chicks are not used to the camera flashing. So when I tried to get a nice close-up on Little Miss Lungs, the camera flashed and it scared that poor baby practically to death! I felt so bad!

...And then I looked down at my camera to see what the picture was like, and I couldn't help but laugh out loud!!

Not Little Miss Lungs' most graceful portrait. :lol:

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