My new chicks are supposed to ship today, 25 of them! I had chickens years ago, but had forgotten most of everything I learned, and have found that lots has changed since then! My husband bought 6 chicks from TSC several weeks ago (I think they are about 8-10 weeks old now. I've done lots of reading here and in books trying to learn all I can. My first batch of chicks have been healthy, no issues. I'm just so nervous about this new shipment. It's a lot of chicks to take care of, and I want to make sure I'm doing everything right! We split our 12 x 12 coop down the center with a chicken wire 'wall' with a door in it to keep the old chicks separated from the new. I will be brooding the new ones in bath tubs, with probably another plastic tub brooder, as I'm not sure all the chicks will fit into two tubs after the first few days. I've done the best I could with setting up my coop, and we have a small run. I am afraid that my run is not nearly big enough, and my husband is making plans to enlarge it for when my new chicks get older. I have probiotics, and electrolytes on hand, as well as Corid (hope I won't need that). Was not able to find nutridrench for chicks. Today I will disinfect the tubs with a bleach water mixture to make sure they are as clean as can be. I have a feeling I will have too many chickens for the space I have, and will probably have to get rid of some, of course that's only if they all make it. Initially I thought my run was going to be 20 x 25, but there was an issue with covering it, so my husband made it smaller for now. I've done the math, and I think my coop is plenty large, 12 x 12 = 144 sq ft divided by 4 sq ft per chicken = 36. So if I've done that correctly, there is plenty of room. My outside run at this time is only 10x15, which is plenty big for my 6 chickens, but I know it's not enough space for them as well as the new ones. It's only about half the size it needs to be. If I can get my husband to double the size of the outside run, will I have enough space? I hate to get rid of any of my new chicks, but will if it means the rest of them will be healthy. Free range here is not an option due to dogs, coyotes, and large prey birds. Sorry so long, just need to make sure I'm doing all I can to keep my babies happy and healthy.