New chooks, BAD feet


10 Years
Aug 22, 2009
Hey chicken-lovers,

Was given two refugee Isa Browns to join our current flock of three Isa Browns. They reportedly came from a farm where the owner had sold up and wanted to find them a good home. Sadly, they both have terrible feet, and I mean really bad- when I first saw them they looked like they had broken toes, big growths etc. I felt so sorry for them, but also didn't want whatever they have to our girls. I did a bit of looking around and decide to treat them for scaley-leg mite. I sprayed some WD-40 on their feet, gave them a full body mite-dusting, and put worming fluid in their water. I've read some other writers have suggested olive oil, then debriding the growth bits with some kind of stiff brush. Is that right? Am I even on the right track? Any other tips?

Grateful in need,


(Chickens: Lucy-Loveheart, Ruby, Lavi-Dafi, and two as yet unnamed, sadly neglected creatures)
Thanks everyone- have started a regime of soaking, scrubbing then massaging oil into the two newies legs. They're not so happy about it but I guess that's expected given their recent lifestyle changes and introduction to our place (lovely chook environment but not so lovely welcome from current residents...). One is worse than the other and I worry that the deformities may be permanent. Will find out once the crusty scales are replaced by nice, flexible, protective ones. Thanks again, CLaudia

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