New Compound--Phase 2 COMPLETED!!!!

Spent today working on the new compound. I worked on the coop as DH worked on pulling wire down from old run. Still need to finish securing the top of the new run.

This is what I got done today.

Left side window. Shutters used for ventilation.


There is hardware cloth on the exterior side of the shutter to help keep critters out.


Nestboxes installed on right side opening.


Filled in the opening with deck boards and a shutter. Shutter for ventilation.


The shutter can be lifted to access the nestboxes from the outside.


I'm thinking....................

Need to put a roost or something to help them get into the nestboxes so....................

Why not make the roost all the way across from left side to the right using the nestboxes as support. Stairstep the roost from the lower nestbox to the top of the nestbox (got space at the roof level) 3 tiers 30 some inches wide. This will also make it easy to scoop poop out more often.

Will leave room for dusting box, feeder and water!
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Coyotemagic, it looks great! You are very thoughtful when it comes to re-purposing those play houses. I LOVE using dog runs for my chickens, and really like what you've done with yours.Cant' wait to see the progression
Finished Coop 1 today.

Roosts are installed. 2x4's Stair stepped up and then back down.


Used lip of nestbox to support roosts.

The feeder will go in the corner by the pink window.

View of the roosts through the front door.


Veiw from the front. Door done just like windows and side with shutters and hardware cloth.


Another view from front. Pink shutters shows acccess to where the feeder will be.


Still have to install a couple of hasps and locks and a bit of wire around bottom of run to keep critters out. But that is a little something. More or less done.
I got the house from Craigslist for $80. The nest box for $20 from Craigslist. I cut it down to 2 4-holers instead of the one big 10 holer nestbox. Everything else is scrap I've picked up on craigslist and freecycle, even the 2 10x10 dog kennel plus the 2 extra panels. Only thing I've bought new has been the hindges and hog rings to hook the roof wire in place.

No plans. Just worked it as I went.

I have 2 more playhouse that I will be adding to this. One is yellow and one is a log cabin
The roost boards need to be higher than the nest boxes or the hens will sleep in the nests at night and gift you will poop as well as eggs.
Got the last of the wire on the run around the door to keep raccoons and possums out. Only thing that can get in will be rodents and snakes, but I feel sorry for either that does. My hens tend to eat them!!

The girls and Kenny are in the coop for their first night. Kenny has never roosted in a coop before and was the last one to go in. There was a little jockeying for roost positions but they all settle in before the sun was down. They will be spending a couple weeks in the run before I let them out to free range again so that they know which coop to return to.
The girls were not happy with the way the coop was set up. Although no one was roosting or pooping in the boxes (paper was just as clean as the day I put it in there) They weren't laying in there either. Everybody had decided that they like the corner on the opposite side of the coop.

So today I made a few modifications.

New Roost set up. They jockied for position tonight and then settle down pretty quickly.


The new nestbox set up.


As you can see somone already approves of the way they are now.

This setup also gives me more space at the door to hang the feeder.

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