New coop run - currently yard grass - what should we do ?

Maybe it’s the picture that’s confusing you, don’t really know. All I know is we’re good! Have a great day! :frow
I looked at it in photoshop and scaled it based on the 1/2" HC. The builder posted the correct dimensions.

You have 3 sections that are each 3' long x 3.5' wide. Each section is 10.5 sq ft, giving you 31.5 sq ft. You also have the area under the coop (which should be around 3.5' x 3.5') or 12.25 sq ft based on the accurate coop dimensions.

Your total run square footage is approximately 43.75 sq ft, so divided by 10, that's close to minimum for 4 chickens.

Your usable coop square footage is 12.25 sq ft (42"x42" or 3.5'x3.5'), which divided by the 4 sq ft minimum per bird gives you room for 3 chickens.

Nest boxes are not included in the 4 sq ft per bird minimum. It would be helpful if you could remove the nest box divider on one side so you could add that area to your usable square footage. You don't need that many nests and floor space is what it's lacking.
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Your measurements are wrong. I looked at it in photoshop and scaled it based on the 1/2" HC. The builder posted the correct dimensions.

You have 3 sections that are each 3' long x 3.5' wide. Each section is 10.5 sq ft, giving you 31.5 sq ft. You also have the area under the coop (which should be around 3.5' x 3.5') or 12.25 sq ft based on the accurate coop dimensions.

Your total run square footage is approximately 43.75 sq ft, so divided by 10, that's close to minimum for 4 chickens.

Your usable coop square footage is 12.25 sq ft (42"x42" or 3.5'x3.5'), which divided by the 4 sq ft minimum per bird gives you room for 3 chickens.

Nest boxes are not included in the 4 sq ft per bird minimum. It would be helpful if you could remove the nest box divider on one side so you could add that area to your usable square footage. You don't need that many nests and floor space is what it's lacking.
Like I said he built it larger as it’s a custom coop built for our codes. I really do appreciate your going to all that trouble figuring that out but like I said my measurements were correct for our coop.:frow:thumbsup
Are you kidding me? It seems like you are really badgering this person. She probably spent a lot of money in purchasing a custom made coop, which therefore shows she cares about the wellbeing of her chickens. Her question was about the ground, not the coop. Why do you keep going on and on about the size of her coop? On the picture it says for 5-6 chickens.
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Are you kidding me? It seems like you are really badgering this person. She probably spent a lot of money in purchasing a custom made coop, which therefore shows she cares about the wellbeing of her chickens. Her question was about the ground, not the coop. Why do you keep going on and on about the size of her coop? On the picture it says for 5-6 chickens. What is your problem?
Thank you! You seem so nice! :welcomeThat’s actually my question! :th:frow:thumbsup
You probably experience a lot of rain like we do in SC. I would do deep layering of straw or shavings. (some use pine needles) If you can't move it then it will stay in one place and when it rains it will be muddy if you don't use one of these, or cover the entire coop and run to prevent this problem, my mom uses shavings in hers and I use straw in mine, but it's up to you what you use. The least amount of smell and or work is straw or shavings, applying new on top of old.
Are you kidding me? It seems like you are really badgering this person. She probably spent a lot of money in purchasing a custom made coop, which therefore shows she cares about the wellbeing of her chickens. Her question was about the ground, not the coop. Why do you keep going on and on about the size of her coop? On the picture it says for 5-6 chickens. What is your problem?
Thank you!! I was wondering why someone would spend time looking at photoshop pics of another poster’s coop just to try to prove a point rather than helping them by offering advice on their question. Anyhoos... I live in OK and after our extremely rainy spring, I asked about sand vs. deep litter and after reading the experiences from others, have started bugging hubby to mow again to get the deep litter method started. Lol last spring, we disposed of so many bags of leaves and clippings that now I am kicking myself!!!

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