New Coop! Upping My Game!

I just have to say this, I’m on 6/10 of an acre and I just can’t imagine 80 chickens on that. Do you have customers lined up for selling eggs or meat? And what are you going to do with all that poo? It takes a while before it can be used for fertilizer. That said, the coop is a good find. I wish you all the best.

80 chickens x 10 sq feet of run space per chicken is only 800 sq feet. That being said, my run will likely be more like 1800-2000 sq feet. 2000 sq feet is still less than 5% of an acre (1 acre is 43,560 sq feet). So, a 2,000 sq foot run is still only 10% of a 1/2 acre lot.

(if my math is wrong, someone correct me)

On the advice in this thread, I'm thinking of starting out with 50 new chickens instead of 80...see how it goes, and adjust from there.

I have plans for a 16' x 8' (4 pallets x 2 pallets) compost area in the run. Keeping up with carbon demands of a pile that size won't be easy, but I wasn't really planning on "easy".

I'll have more on the plan for all the eggs soon.
80 chickens x 10 sq feet of run space per chicken is only 800 sq feet. That being said, my run will likely be more like 1800-2000 sq feet. 2000 sq feet is still less than 5% of an acre (1 acre is 43,560 sq feet). So, a 2,000 sq foot run is still only 10% of a 1/2 acre lot.

(if my math is wrong, someone correct me)

On the advice in this thread, I'm thinking of starting out with 50 new chickens instead of 80...see how it goes, and adjust from there.

I have plans for a 16' x 8' (4 pallets x 2 pallets) compost area in the run. Keeping up with carbon demands of a pile that size won't be easy, but I wasn't really planning on "easy".

I'll have more on the plan for all the eggs soon.
I went for 30 chickens a month three months in a row. It was a lot of work but they are now one flock and cared for as one. BUT, more than 30 chicks would be a real chore unless you had a big brooder. Mine is 12 sq. ft. and barely big enough for the 2.5 weeks. Barely was my opinion, the birds have a different one.
I went for 30 chickens a month three months in a row. It was a lot of work but they are now one flock and cared for as one. BUT, more than 30 chicks would be a real chore unless you had a big brooder. Mine is 12 sq. ft. and barely big enough for the 2.5 weeks. Barely was my opinion, the birds have a different one.

Wow, that's a LOT of chick time! That'd be tough to do in my setup (or any setup, really).

Doing it in batches, though, is likely the right approach.
On the advice in this thread, I'm thinking of starting out with 50 new chickens instead of 80...see how it goes, and adjust from there.

I approve. You can always add more, but go too big too fast and then having to scramble trying to find a fix is a hassle.

I'm apparently immune to chicken math, but that's a good problem to have on here!
80 chickens x 10 sq feet of run space per chicken is only 800 sq feet. That being said, my run will likely be more like 1800-2000 sq feet. 2000 sq feet is still less than 5% of an acre (1 acre is 43,560 sq feet). So, a 2,000 sq foot run is still only 10% of a 1/2 acre lot.

(if my math is wrong, someone correct me)

On the advice in this thread, I'm thinking of starting out with 50 new chickens instead of 80...see how it goes, and adjust from there.

I have plans for a 16' x 8' (4 pallets x 2 pallets) compost area in the run. Keeping up with carbon demands of a pile that size won't be easy, but I wasn't really planning on "easy".

I'll have more on the plan for all the eggs soon.
Love the compost in the run idea. I’ve seen videos of others that practice this method.
Looking at percentages of land is pretty interesting. Never thought of it that way. I think if I were to think of it that way I would want to calculate my own footprint first and deduct that from the 1acre land acreage. How big is my house, my garage, my driveway, my pool, any other buildings on my property. After figuring out that percentage the rest is the available land to use in my calculations of land to chicken area percentage.
actually I just did it, couldn’t help myself LOL. It’s a bit over 12%. A run the size you are planning adds 5% like you said so I’m up to 17%. (Seriously this is fun. I love playing with numbers even though I’m bad at math!) I think I need a bigger run now!:gig
Of course I need to take into account I can’t put it near my well. I need to avoid my septic area. And I have some areas of property I can’t use for various reasons including steep banks. Ok. I estimate I’m at a bit more than 30% total. 33% maybe? Yup. I need a bigger run for my 15 birdies!
Thank you for the percentage idea. It was fun looking at that way. I wish you all the best with your endeavor and look forward to following your progress AND finding out what you’re gonna do with all those eggs!

EDIT: OOPS! I forgot another 700sqft for the garden! Oh well.
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