New ducks? Duck drama begins...

Ok guys I just got the new ducks!! I left them in the run by themselves for the first hour so they could chill for a while. When I let them out for the first time, my existing ducks just went crazy, and everyone started attacking and pecking and biting each other. It was much less romantic than I would have preferred:lol: So I separated the new ducks from the existing ducks, and put Carmen away by himself because he was the worst and he was kinda freaking out about other ducks being in his yard, so he needs to calm down. So I leave next week for minesota, and I think I will keep the new and old separated the whole time. That will also give my aunt and uncle a chance to build an enclosure that allows them to separate Carmen and the new girl so that he does not hurt her. Any tips on how to get them to be friendlier, or will this just take time? Btw, these new ducks are also extremely skittish to people... What can I do about making them friendlier to people as well? Thanks!

@A_Fowl_Guy @Miss Lydia @casportpony @Amiga @PirateGirl
Time. See no touch until they ignore each other. If there's a way to introduce them that is more neutral territory that can help. Multiple food and water stations once they are together. Things should mellow out eventually.
Ok. That's what I figured. Perhaps I could take them to the front yard or something later.. idk maybe it's been enough for today, but I'm sure time will help☺️ thanks!
And they might not become people friendly. My ducks used to adore me, now they run because they know I put them up at night. They certainly love their lake.

Ok. I know the owner said she doesn't handle them often, so that's certainly a bummer, but I'm sure over the next few months, they'll get used to me holding them, and become friendlier with time;I'm willing to take the time.:)
Thank you for all of the wonderful information. I have 5 week old ducklings now and I hope to add a few more in a couple of weeks. Will I need to follow these steps as well? Or because they are so young still, will it be easier?
Thank you for all of the wonderful information. I have 5 week old ducklings now and I hope to add a few more in a couple of weeks. Will I need to follow these steps as well? Or because they are so young still, will it be easier?

How old will the new ones be? And yes, the look, no touch tactic works great for many duck owners. It all depends on how they get along at first though :)
How old will the new ones be? And yes, the look, no touch tactic works great for many duck owners. It all depends on how they get along at first though :)

I don't know just yet. I wont be getting them until almost August and I think that the will be maybe just under a week at the most. My current ducks will be about 8 weeks then and obviously much bigger. I worry about the size difference at first. My current babies are Cayuga and Black Swedish, I am hoping to get female Pekins. At first they are going to be separated by a brooder, but I worry when it comes time to move them outside with the rest
Guys!!! The craziest thing happened! Ok so yesterday, all the ducks except Carmen were free ranging in the yard, and they were all getting along surprisingly well. I watched them for a couple of hours, and then left them alone for the rest of the day. At the end of the day before dark, I put the new ducks in the coop, and the old ducks in the run. The coop and run are connected but were then separated by the coop door. This morning when I went to let them out, I was shocked to find the coop door that separated them to be open... It kinda attaches with a basic hinge, and I have no idea how that happened, but they were all completely unharmed and acting as if nothing happened : 0 !!! ??? I then let them all out into the yard, including Carmen, and besides a few pecks and some drama when around the pool, they are all getting along!! Does this mean I should leave them all together and none of them quarantined when I leave on my trip tomorrow? My sister will be watching them, and then when she is gone, my Dad will be watching them. Neither of them will be willing to spend any more time than absolutely necessary with the ducks to watch how they behave or anything, so that's what has me concerned. I'd never forgive myself if one of the ducks got hurt, but they are all getting along now.... ideas??
Ok. I know the owner said she doesn't handle them often, so that's certainly a bummer, but I'm sure over the next few months, they'll get used to me holding them, and become friendlier with time;I'm willing to take the time.:)

Holding ducks that are timid and nervous about being handled doesn't necessarily make them like it any more. It could just stress them out more and make them more scared of you because they are afraid you will catch them and pick them up. Some ducks are happier and calmer just to be around you doing their own thing. I have one that is terrified of being caught, but if I ignore her she will wander about hunting bugs and being a happy duck, if I pay attention to her she runs off screaming bloody murder. You have to learn to respect each other's boundaries. They will definitely get more used to you and more comfortable around you, but I don't believe you can make a duck or chicken like to be held if it's not already in his/her personality.

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