New egg in the flock!


Jan 13, 2017
Hey all!
I've watched this site for awhile, looking for info and advice, and finally decided to join in!
I've kept poultry for years, ducks, a rather moody goose, chickens, pigeons, and a short adventure with button quail, but I have mainly raised chickens! I've also worked with other breeds of poultry briefly and hope to to branch out into turkeys and maybe some other species this year.
At the moment I have a two large flocks of chickens, which consist of my laying birds and then my bantams. In my bantam flock I have a large number of Modern games, some Old English, serama's, a blue silkie hen and her two bitties, a Cornish hen, some mystery breeds, etc. My layer flock oh geeze, let me think, white and barred rocks, white leghorns, a New Hampshire red, a barnyard mix, SL wyandotte, red polish, Delaware, Speckled Sussex, a full sized modern game hen, and a red hen, either a RIR or a red star don't remember which..
I'm also caring for a friends flocks of birds he rescued this past month, nine roosters and twenty hens, which has been crazy.
While I'm young I've had a lot of experience with poultry (or so I think
) but I'm really looking forward to learning more from everyone here and getting to know you all!!! So glad to be here!!!
Nice to meet you!
Glad you joined! This site is awesome. I hope you find this site as helpful as I do!

Very nice to have you join us! With all the experience you've had with poultry (including a moody goose, lol), you'll be a good addition to the group.
Welcome to Backyard Chickens. If you want to know the gender/breed of your mystery birds or others - post photos (with ages) .To discover what you have you can post at "what
breed or gender is this," just put that in the search box it will come up for you. Just "start a new thread," like you did on here

.Your friends seem to have 7 roosters too many, no wonder you are having fun (?) looking after their flock. Hope they didn't arrive with worms or mites, or disease. Rescued birds often bring "baggage" with them.
Hey thanks so much I'm glad to be here!!
OH! I didn't know about the "what breed or gender is this" page that will be great to look into!!
Yeah it's been kind noisy since they got here, I'm a bit worried about the neighbors opinions on
the crowing.. my bantam boys were at least quieter then these new full sized roos...
The flock did, unfortunately, come with some "baggage:" a rooster with a horrible head wound,
which had turned green in spots but is finally clearing up, a sick hen, who's in sick bay right now,
and a rooster with what I think is a severe case of bumblefoot, or should I say bumblefeet, and yeah...
Other then the sick and wounded birds its gone fine, well I did get a bit perturbed at the roosters
when they started crowing the other night after dark... I have separate coops for the new birds and
the roos have their "Roo coop" so at least feathers aren't flying... Chuckle, at least I'm not bored!!!
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G’Day from down under PoultryPrince

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