New Feature - Breed Selection Tool - Search Tool

This tool ROCKS!!!
Just a might want to put this in the breed section. Earlier I was looking for this tool and couldnt find it. It took me forever to figure out where it was. I had to come to the Website and Feedback forum to get to it. It would be so much easier if it were with on the breed page. When I click on "Breeds" it takes me here. And its not on that page.
I just saw the tool and it is great. But I clicked on some of the Ameraucana pages and one showed an EE roo. I saw the EE pages and they say different colors of EEs (there aren't exact colors). They should've just put "multicolored" as the colors. I am just saying. So one other thing I am getting at, please know as much as possible about the breed before you make a page.

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