Announcement New Feature - Random Pics From Community

What if you started a thread where everyone could post random pictures to and it could pull pictures from just that thread?

Interesting idea, but the main point of this feature is to bubble-up old and interesting posts and threads from the past that might be buried.

I'm working with a developer to find a fix for the issue with this addon slowing down the main forum index. The big issue is the huge volume of pics it has to sort through to choose which ones to pull from.

Here's what we've been brainstorming:
  1. Setting the addon to "cache" every 5 minutes. So, only 1 view of thousands will be "slow" while all the others in the 5 minutes should be very fast.
  2. Load the pics after all other content has loaded vs. making the whole page wait for that block.
  3. NEW: Creating a new "more" button or link that goes to a page with 50 thumbnails. This will be browsing heaven for lots of undiscovered content on one page!!!
I'm still mid-discussion / contracting with the developer on this, but I think this could be a great addition to BYC.

What do y'all think about this stuff, especially the new page idea?
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