new flock members introduction


5 Years
Apr 15, 2015
Survived the farm stores without adding to flock and thought I had beaten chicken math for a change this year other than this last hatch that all weren't spoken for. Then talked to a friend and brought home these 6 lol. 2 Sapphire Gems, 2 Buff Orpington and 2 Ameracuana(SP), haven't seen a white one before around here lol
At least they are all sweeties
Buffs names are Sugar and Amber
White Amercuana name is snowball
The others are going to have to wait until a name comes to me as I get to know their personalities lol

now for new comedy, the rooster that was upset and crowing cause had to give away some flock members with 2 young cockerels to get them a new home, is now hiding and staying quiet as is rooster with 5 hens and now 9 pullets is hiding from the chickens now he is acting scared of that many for himself lol
That poor,poor rooster.:lau
You may have to get him a wingman just so he can cope with the sheer magnitude of hen butt that has fallen into his lap.
I wish I was kidding...I don't have two boys for my health.
I have two boys because 8 hens were fraying my dude, he's only 2 but obviously more delicate than his age and size portray.
This spring 5 new girls hatched, this was before I knew my rooster was full.
Glad I kept one of the 3 boys that hatched with the girls, wasnt going to.
Seriously how often does a rooster have too much hen butt?
Older guy seems pretty happy, he has butt and a much smaller son to do rooster stuff with.
My rambling did NOT help your chicken math did it.:gig
now for new comedy, the rooster that was upset and crowing cause had to give away some flock members with 2 young cockerels to get them a new home, is now hiding and staying quiet as is rooster with 5 hens and now 9 pullets is hiding from the chickens now he is acting scared of that many for himself lol

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