New from Marana, Az

Welcome to BYC, Seikusu. I am also in Marana. Don't know any breeders in the area, I am new at this too. Just this morning, I received 18 Black Jersey Giant chicks from Cackle Hatchery in Missouri. I know of several chicken peeps around, but they mostly just sell eggs. Don't know of anybody raising Giants, though. If you know of anyone else wanting to get some chicks, split an order with them.
Hey, go to Post Feeds in Marana (Sandario Road, freeway exit says Marana Road). They have chicks you can buy individually. I was in there this morning, and I know they have some Leghorns, Buff Orps, and a couple that looked like black Australorps. Probably a few other varieties also. They also have a pretty good stock of lights, waterers, feeders, feed, etc.

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