new guy but long time lurker.

I still have to finish the interior wall and other details. I will post pics of the two and a half month build for you guys. I did what I could with a few hours after work each night and the occasional sunday. I was lucky enough to have a good friend help a ton.
Oh, and I was a lurker too before I joined - a SERIOUS lurker!! I spent three years looking at the coop pages - never commented, never joined. I finally took the plunge, built a coop, and got my chicks. But in all that time I was lurking I only ever looked at the coop pages. Suddenly I'm posting questions like crazy because now that they're here I have to figure out how to actually raise them, lol!

Cheers to all the lurkers-turned-posters. We're an awesome bunch, if I do say so myself!
Very good information on this site. I got al my ideas for my coop and run on here so thanks to all for posting such great pics and info.
That is one heck of a job you have done there, Very nice you must be a carpenter at heart to do such a bang up job. I might start looking for pallets to build me one like yours, it looks that good.


Thanks but I made many mistakes along the way! Nice not to have a deadline. It was lots of hard work but just as much fun too.
That is one beautiful coop!!! I'm inspired to try the pallet thing for my coop addition; thank you! I am concerned about your amount of ventilation, as I don't see anywhere near enough in the photos. How about a big window in the door? Vents in the sofets? Vents in the peaks? Mary

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