new guy from Georgia


7 Years
Oct 8, 2012
Kingston, GA
I wanted to take a little time to introduce myself.

My name is Ric and I'm a husband to my wonderful wife and father of 3 (2 boys and a girl) who works from home (yay computers). I have been growing hot peppers for the last 10 years (Mmm Habanero Jelly) as well as other fruits and vegetables. I've been a hunter for a good part of the last 20 years as I feel that food not provided by commercial means is healthier and just tastes better. Which is what has led me here. Although I don't have any chickens yet, that will be changing by spring. Until then I want to read and learn as much as possible to make sure the chickens I raise for eggs and meat will be healthy and well cared for until it comes time to care for us. Fermented feed has caught my attention because I also brew my own beer, mead and hard cider. So naturally fermentation is something that is right up my alley. I will be gathering material over the winter to build a couple of coops (one for meaties one for layers).

I'm sure I'll have a lot of questions both before I order chicks but after. Once I start building a coop I'll make sure that pictures are taken and I'll post about it. the same goes for when I get chicks.

if anyone has any questions, just let me know. I'm not shy and will answer just about anything you ask me..

Hello and
Good luck with your chicken adventure and I'm sure your children will enjoy making the journey with you!
from NC. Interesting stuff... I vaguely remember reading something about mixing mash with animal feed one time. Enjoy BYC! There is lots of useful info to be found on here thanks to very knowledgeable people.
Hi and :welcome

That all sounds great! Best of luck with your chickens.

I hope you find any info you need here, and enjoy the site! :D

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