new guy


In the Brooder
9 Years
Oct 25, 2010
well I've got the girls in a 12x12 fence with a 4x4x8 shelter. My daughter and I have been feeding and talking to them every day but they are pretty wild. She wants to hold one and feed them out of her hand but they won't come to her. I feel I might have bought the wrong birds for our first ones. Ours were kept in a small pen with many other birds and only interacted with at feeding. Is there any way to tame them or do I have to wait for my incubator chicks to make my pets?

7 buff orps, 3 mille fleurs
Eventually, food usually wins them over, but it will take some time and no sudden movements. If someone could sit on the ground with food in hand, could be they will slowly realize that you aren't a threat.
Bring a bucket to sit on and a bag full of treats (scratch-sun flower seeds-bread...etc what ever you have that is different than usual)

Walk in slowly, have a seat, when they calm down............scatter those treats all around you.

Sit very still and let them discover getting close to you means extra special yummies.

You might never get those hens in your lap, but you probably will get them to steal a treat from your hand after some time.

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