New Hampshire Red OR New Hampshire Heritage Thread

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Here is the American Poultry Association's list of accepted and recognized breeds. Notice, there is no, zero, zip New Hampshire red.
Only the New Hampshire.

Again, lots of knowledgeable people here on BYC. Major breeders, top flight of APA judges, long time poultry folks. These people can help you, but only if you allow them to do so. Recognized Breeds and Varieties Sept2012.pdf
I wouldn't go to much on what P. Allen Smith say's about chickens. He is only calling them what that hatchery he got them from called them. (he is not a poultry breeder, a poultry expert, a master breeder or a poultry judge)

You may want to look at more reliable resources when doing your home work on poultry.

What does the black tail have to do with anything? Lots of breeds are red (or orange) with black tails.


I watched [most of] P. Allen Smith's "New Hampshire Red" utube video. That's about the sorriest looking flock of birds I've ever seen. Another example of why the internet can be such a bad source of information. People like Mr. Smith pass themselves off as experts & woefully ignorant people like our participant here accept them as such.
My dear sir, I refuse to be bullied. I am not making "outrageous statements." Now why don't you leave this thread if it so upsets you.

No one is trying to bully you but several people are encouraging you to stop making a fool of yourself. This website is for sharing information & learning about various forms of poultry. You have no information to share-remember you're "proud of being misinformed". As to learning your are either unwilling or incapable; hard to tell which. Even something as simple as the name of this breed. Several knowledgable people have informed you that the actual name of the breed is New Hampshire, no Red, yet you persist in insisting they are all wrong & you know better.
Here's some advide-never enter a battle of wits if you're only half prepared.
I watched [most of] P. Allen Smith's "New Hampshire Red" utube video. That's about the sorriest looking flock of birds I've ever seen. Another example of why the internet can be such a bad source of information. People like Mr. Smith pass themselves off as experts & woefully ignorant people like our participant here accept them as such.
I thought the same thing.

I get your drift. You have all fully expressed yourselves. However, I still hold to the fact that the breed can be NHR or NH.

Now, why don't we get back to the main topic of the thread.

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Now, why don't we get back to the main topic of the thread.

A wikipedia link, I will let you know that anybody can post on wikpedia and is not a very good place to look for information.
Try the APA (American Poultry Association)
Now note that under Large Breed Classifications and sub-classification American Class you will find --

I repeat there is no breed with the name New Hampshire "Red" THAT is a fact.

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I agree with everything that Bill, Chris and Fred have told you thus far and will add that if you continue down the same path that your on you will have a hard time getting anyone to answer any of your questions on any of the other threads. Just food for thought but I really don't care what you do personally!

With that said a lot of the people serious about NEW HAMPSHIRE can be found here....

How can one post pictures or have experience with a breed that does not exist?

Chris, read this.

Link war.

And I don't think you quuuiitteee get what I'm trying to explain to you. You can call them New Hampshire Reds or New Hampshires. It doesn't particularly matter! It's a free country! I can call my New Hampshires New Hampshire Reds and the world won't collapse around me!

Btw, I don't like the poultry association. It furnishes no information about breeds of chickens. Just the name. Real informative, I'm sure.
And in case you didn't notice, look at the thread name now.
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