new hatchings for novice

pp-Of course!!! We have a bit of room in our driveway (our yard is blocked of with a fence) and we arrange things so friends and family can park here. It is about .1 miles to the back entrance to the fair frmo our driveway. The back entrance brings you in real close th the chicken barn. The tiny back road is closed that brings us there, but we are allowed to use it as our driveway is on it. WE an drive you right up to the back entrance and drop you off with your chickens.

Some of ours will be there too. I was hoping to enter the large splash orp roo my brother and I share, but he is getting ornery at his house. I am sure they dont like mean roos at the fair! I am planning on keeping him here a month before so I can handle him a bit. He is huge!
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I would like to enter some of our birds but I don't know if they'll be ready. This hatch(our first) won't hatch til Aug 21 and we have day old chicks coming next week. We are hatching RIR and the chicks coming are a mix of Buff Orpingtons, Silver Laced Wyandottes, and White Rocks.and New Hampshire Reds. We ordered the chicks already vaccinated but I'll need to get the hatch chicks vaccinated.

We really liked the coop program and Lainey is amazing with the kids. It has alot of parent interaction. The only real issue I had was the number of yuppie parents and how univiting many of them were. My son loved it but I used to dread school events because I didnt particularlly like being with most of these other parents.

I do not have a wiggler. We have a styrofoam incubator that my husband got at the feed store and we also have an automatic egg turner. We were never told about a wiggler.
I'm pretty sure for most shows/fairs birds have to be atleast 5 months of age. And you have to have the state vet come out and vaccinate and ID them, they have to be fully feathered for that.
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Well..I think the thread turned into a get-together...but back on topic...

For the sake of your unborn NOT keep your humidity at 55%. As a novice, I did that in the beginning and my hatch was not good with many chicks drowning just before hatching.

I don't even look at humidity much anymore...only if it gets below 30%...then I add a little shot of water. Hatches now run 85% - 95%.

Please read this article and heed it well:
Does the incubator have a littel fan in it that moves the air around?? If not, then your air temps need to be closer to 102 to get the egg temps to 99.5. You are welcome to use our wiggler (water weasel) if you want. Do some research on still air here on the site, many use them (myself incld) they are just a different beast and have to be treated differently for the hatch to work.

I hear you on the snobby thing--that happens at EVERY preschool. Just when yout hink you have left high school behind..............
congrats on u all finding each other hehehe and good luck on ur hatch gators right humidity needs to be a lil lowere in some places i do the dry hatch method it works well for me check it out theres a thred stickied about it
Sounds awesome! I'll pm you before hand. Do I get to see the goats if I park at your place??? : ) I'm working hard on DH for next year or the year after!
Yay!!! P.S. if you can make sure they're really really quiet while we're there, it would work to my advantage!
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