New hens not laying


Aug 18, 2016
Gray Court, SC
Hey all. How long after bringing in hens until they start laying. We added 8 Buff Orpingtons to our flock and the previous owner said they were all laying. They've been here about three days an not one has laid a single egg. Do they normally need some time to adjust? How long before we should be concerned?
It can take anywhere from a few days to a few months, depending on the individuals and other factors. If they are too young to molt this fall, they will likely start laying again within a few weeks. If they are over a year old, they may not resume laying till spring. It's molting season. That leaves little to no energy left for egg production. Some hens will resume laying after they finish molting. Others don't lay again until the days begin to get longer.
I also have new hens. Six total right now and have had them about a month and not the first egg. Am I doing something wrong? I have noticed quite a few feathers in the run.
Hi, welcome to BYC!

Moves are very stressful on chickens and what you are experiencing is completely normal. Chickens are creatures of habit. @junebuggena is probably correct.

Good luck!
Age is the biggest factor, then stress ,then feed. They have to be old enough, over 6 to 8 mos. depending on breed , but not too old "over 3 years " and all they are good for is stewing. You must feed them well, probably layer crumbles for starting and give them treats or let them free range. I find frogs and through them in the run for an afternoon of entertainment . Chickens are great hunters of bugs and small animals and love fresh meat..
Hey all. How long after bringing in hens until they start laying. We added 8 Buff Orpingtons to our flock and the previous owner said they were all laying. They've been here about three days an not one has laid a single egg. Do they normally need some time to adjust? How long before we should be concerned?
Yes, it will take a few days to adjust to the new digs...If they were sold as laying they will start up again once the stress is gone.

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