It's great they get to free range! How do you keep them from digging all the mulch and bedding plants out of your beautiful flower beds? I have a real problem with that with my chickens.
Really pretty.
Incredible coop! I just spit a mouthful of diet coke all over my monitor when I looked at it! It is so beautiful you could sell it for around $500K in Arlington, VA for the humans who live there! Beautiful work. Amazing. I say this because I moved from there around three years ago and your coop puts a lot of human housing to shame.
Best of luck with it and the chickens who live there,
I actually dont even try to keep them out of the flowerbeds...they trapse through them all day long...have ruined a couple of plants, and we're down about a dozen lillies but seeing them out is worth for Forest, I'm about an hour south east...have been there many times
Whoa, how cute and fancy! Neat

My only two suggestions for Ontario winter weather would be:

1) maybe give them a piece of 2x4 (wide side up) instead of the closet pole for roosting on, as the larger flatter surface will make it easier for them to cover their toes with their tummy feathers for warmth; and

2) if there are parts of the ceiling that are more than about 20" above the roost pole you might want to temporarily close 'em off til the weather warms up (personally I would use aluminized bubblewrap and a staplegun
) to keep their body heat around them better on cold nights on the roost.

(edited to add: also, have you thought about making the sill on that 'shelf' where their water and food are, removeable, for easier cleaning?)

Have fun,

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