New Jersey

I should mention I am looking for at least a 6x8 that I could customize. I actually ordered one last July, gave a substantial deposit and to date have not yet received it nor my $ back.
I found one of my Serama hens on a surprise clutch of 16 eggs!!! I candled and thankfully only 7 showed some development (spidering) I say thankfully because I am already over my limit for chickens. I have a hard time getting rid of eggs that have started developing, So, if I allow her to keep the 7 eggs and some hatch, does anyone want any Serama chicks? I am in Jackson, NJ.
The dad is in my Avatar and one of the hens there is either the mom or the grandma.
Hi fellow NJ chicken folks. I am in Kingwood which is near Frenchtown, in Hunterdon County. I just started with chickens last year and have 3 RIR's and 4 Ameraucanas.
Readington in Hunterdon County! I have 3 full grown ladies: Welsummer, Easter Egger, and Dominique. and 5 babies in the brooder right now. I started with 6 but I have a Mareks positive property and it was a tough year for that. Glad to see so many NJ'ers here.
If your buying chickens any time soon buy it anywhere but here.
The chickens infectious coryza. Literally all the chicken at this place was walking in diarrhea in a metal trailer. I should have just walked away but I didn't. Lesson learned.
At least the chickens where isolated and before they met my flock. Only one of them started show signs of infection, but since one had it most likely all of them had the disease and or was a carrier. Had to put down all three of them.

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