New Jersey

Meanwhile, in Middletown,

Keeping chickens occupied: This winter, I had the smarts to wrap the run in plastic to keep out the tons of snow, but it left the flock with little to do other than stare at each other. I have a "playpen," seen the the second picture, where I keep leaves & straw for them to play in, and where I throw compostable material during the year, but they needed more. I got an extra bale of hay, and put about half the bale on the far side of the run along with some of the extra leaves I collected before the first snow. In two days, they had shredded the hay all apart, and now they have a big area to play in. I throw in some scratch every morning, and they dig and dance in there for hours! Normally, this area is swept hard-packed dirt, but they're getting cabin fever. They really enjoy it, and it makes them spread out all over the run - and away from each other for awhile! It's about six inches deep over there.

Nice playpen/run idea! I just love that little rooster of yours surrounded by all those huge fluffy hens!

He's such a good boy! Always checking on them, running back and forth. He thinks he's as big as they are! At least the girls treat him like he is. It's very cute.


Brahma babies growing fast. 7 weeks old
3 nine month old ducks that I rescued as ducklings at the end of June last summer need to be rehomed. I have a male and female Mallard and a male Pekin. I had found the 3 of them in a sewer drain last summer, they were no more than 2 days old at the time. I was planning on keeping them , all was going well until the warmer weather came- since 2 of the ducks are males, they are starting to fight all the time over the female. Getting another female isn't really an option, as I don't have the room in my yard, Just wondering if anyone here in NJ would want these ducks.

My khaki Campbell's at 3 weeks old. I can tell they are females by their's kind of a whisper where male is the quack you associate with a duck. Later males will have a curl on their tail about five months. All my ducks are rather skiddish. Cayugas, swedish, and now the fawn and white runner and the campbells.
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3  nine month old ducks that I rescued as ducklings at the end of June last summer need to be rehomed. I have a male and female Mallard and a male Pekin. I had found the 3 of them in a sewer drain last summer, they were no more than 2 days old at the time. I was planning on keeping them , all was going well until the warmer weather came-  since 2 of the ducks are males, they are starting to fight all the time over the female. Getting another female isn't really an option, as I don't have the room in my yard,  Just wondering if anyone here in NJ would want these ducks.

Do you know what kind of ducks they are?

My khaki Campbell's at 3 weeks old. I can tell they are females by their's kind of a whisper where male is the quack you associate with a duck. Later males will have a curl on their tail about five months. All my ducks are rather skiddish. Csyugas, swedish, and now the fawn and white runner and the campbells.
They are sooooo cute. I really want them. I pitched the idea of putting in a pond in a really wet area of our land that we have been fighting with and he seems to think it might be a decent idea. I might have a place for them soon!!! I know you can use a baby pool and such, but I really don't want to add another thing to empty and scrub on a regular basis.

My khaki Campbell's at 3 weeks old. I can tell they are females by their's kind of a whisper where male is the quack you associate with a duck. Later males will have a curl on their tail about five months. All my ducks are rather skiddish. Cayugas, swedish, and now the fawn and white runner and the campbells.
smile.png cute!!

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