New Jersey

They stayed the night and left in the morning. We've seen the female several times in the past year but never the male. I had no issue with her by herself. She just acted like she fit in and stayed for a few weeks in the area. But this time with the male around she got very aggressive with my large brahma cockerel who is a cream puff and pounced on him right in front of me. So everyone was afraid and kept their distance. I had to chase them into the woods so the chickens could go to bed that night. I thought the sebbie geese would protect the yard but they hid under the deck with the ducks. lol Maybe their too young at 8 months.

it's an awful pic but these 4 girls crossed in front of me on RT 34 in wall yesterday on my way home. 4 lanes of traffic had to stop for them. I couldn't believe it. I never saw one before. Not counting the one I just took out of the oven! ;)
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it's an awful pic but these 4 girls crossed in front of me on RT 34 in wall yesterday on my way home. 4 lanes of traffic had to stop for them. I couldn't believe it. I never saw one before. Not counting the one I just took out of the oven! ;)

Lol. You mean they don't have plastic wrap under those feathers.

Hi all. I have a 4 month old true gray Silkie cockerel he crowed sort of last week but nothing since but he looks like a cockerel. I got him at the sussex poultry show was supposed to be a pullet but I know that Silkies are difficult to sex. I got another with this one that I am more confident is a pullet.. He is very friendly and handsome and was told he is from the Bearsley line ? . I can't have Roos. He is free I paid 75 for him. . we can meet somewhere I dont know what else to do if no one takes him.
Thanks Anthony
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I just bought a huge container of Pro-Bios online from KV Vet Supply. I find the prices much better than in stores even with shipping. If you need some in a hurry, pm me. I can give you a baggie of it. I work right off Rt 18 in Ocean Twp.
Thank you! I just ordered some from them- thanks for the tip! Cheaper than Amazon too :) I have a hen with diarrhea for about a week now. I started plain yogurt on Sunday but no change as of today. I was reading some threads that recommended pro bios. It's weird- she's happy, eating, butts clean, but wow she's making a mess in the coop.

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