New member been reading for a while


5 Years
Oct 3, 2014
Hello, everyone. I've been reading here for a while and decided to join today. My son decided to adopt a few chickens and I don't want to butt in too much, but I do want to know more than I do right now. I know there is a lot of good information here, because I have been reading here off and on for quite some time now, whenever I have had a question. I haven't really had to ask my questions though because most of them have been answered here before, I have just had to find my answers.

My son let one of his chickens brood her first eggs and two hatched today, so we have wee ones.
Welcome raindear! Glad to have you here
. Feel free to ask any questions. We are all here to help. We had our first successful broody hen this past year. She hatched out 3 babies out of 6 eggs. One of the eggs that hatched was from a hen that had got killed by a raccoon & we put 2 of her eggs under our broody.

We have greatly enjoy watching mama hen show the babies how to do everything. It is so beautiful to watch them. The only downside is that the babies will be more wild than ones that have more human contact. Good luck & welcome!
Thank you for the kind welcomes.

I don't even know for sure what kinds of chickens we have. I originally wanted to get Araucana, Americauna, or Easter Eggers, but we actually didn't start shopping for them til late June early July. There weren't any little chicks, just half grown chickens. We just went to the feed store and said "that one, that one, that one." The smallest of the bunch is the one that brooded. The chicks are so cute.
Welcome to BYC! Please make yourself at home and we are here to help.

Yay! Congrats on the hatch!:D

Defiantly check out the breed and gender link that Kelsie gave you.
Welcome to BYC. Glad you decided to join our flock. A lot of us were lurkers before joining. Definitely post pics of your chickens on our What Breed or Gender is This? section, and if you would like, you can post the pics here as well and let us take a shot at identifying them for you. Please feel free to ask any questions you may have. We are here to help in any way we can. Good luck with your flock.

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