New member from Kentucky


How many chickens do you have now and what breeds?
Do you drive an 18-wheeler too?
Best wishes finding and integrating your new additions!​
View attachment 1729015
View attachment 1728992 How many chickens do you have now and what breeds?
Do you drive an 18-wheeler too?
Best wishes finding and integrating your new additions!​
Yes, I drive semis for a living!
I currently have 8 full grown chickens with 9 more transitioning into the flock.
3 buff Orpington
2 barred rock
2 Cornish cross
1 mystery that I can’t figure out
In transition I have
2 Rhode Island reds
2 Australorps
2 Brahma
2 leghorn
1 Jersey Giant

I also have a white duck and two that look like mallards with the chicks.
Yes, I drive semis for a living!
I currently have 8 full grown chickens with 9 more transitioning into the flock.
3 buff Orpington
2 barred rock
2 Cornish cross
1 mystery that I can’t figure out
In transition I have
2 Rhode Island reds
2 Australorps
2 Brahma
2 leghorn
1 Jersey Giant

I also have a white duck and two that look like mallards with the chicks.
And I see you already have your new ones! Sounds like a nice mix you've got. Do you plan to harvest the Cornish x?

Have you raised ducks before? Your white one might be a Pekin and the others could be Rouens or possibly Khaki Campbells. Ducklings can make quite a mess in the brooder with your chicks. How old are they? I found a good tip for a little diy water bin for the ducks so they can wet their nares but won't spill it everywhere, in this thread: Raising and Caring for Ducklings

And here are some more links to help with your integration:
See But Don’t Touch
Integrating at 4 weeks old

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