New Mexico

Nights are mid 20's, days are mid 50's. I have just a small purchased kit for now that I can get electric to.
I have 2 Rhode Island Reds & 2 Brahmas.
Those breeds are fairly cold-hardy, but those temperatures are not something you want to put a chick out into.

I'd wait until the nights are at least fifty (farenheit) before introducing fully-feathered chicks outside. We have approximately the same temps and usually move ours outside at about six or seven weeks old.

In the meantime, start adjusting your brooder downwards in temp by about five degrees a week to help them adjust to the outdoors.
Those breeds are fairly cold-hardy, but those temperatures are not something you want to put a chick out into.

I'd wait until the nights are at least fifty (farenheit) before introducing fully-feathered chicks outside. We have approximately the same temps and usually move ours outside at about six or seven weeks old.

In the meantime, start adjusting your brooder downwards in temp by about five degrees a week to help them adjust to the outdoors.
How can I reduce my heat lamp temp, can I put it on a dimmer?

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