New Milestone, 16,000 Members = New Benefits, More Image Space To All!


BYC Staff
17 Years
Dec 26, 2006
California - SF East Bay
My Coop
My Coop
Congratulations on an AMAZING Milestone, 16,000 cool people have signed up to be members of our community!

This is really amazing when you consider a few things:

1. The forum is only 21 months old
2. We hit 6,000 members on 1/26/08 at our 1 year mark
3. Within 3 months on 3/29/2008 we added had added another 2k members bringing the total to 8,000 BYC chicken addicts!

4. Today we hit 16,000 members which is almost exactly 6 months (half a year) from the date we we were at 8k member. This means we DOUBLE our membership in only 6 months!!!

To celebrate the doubling of the number of members, we’ve doubled the amount of storage space each member can use to store images here at BYC using the image hosting tool found here:
For BYC and for Rob for making it such a wholesome and fun place to learn about chickens.

any new members that are reading this.
Yes! That's exactly what I was going to ask for a few days ago.
I love New members...
Hey CBK,You're a flock master in 6 months and in 16 months, I don't even have 1000 posts.
Thanks to everyone on the site and running it too. I have learned so much from reading the posts and also being in chat. I am so glad that I found the site and don't plan on leaving it any time soon (or ever, once I thought about it). Hopefully this place will keep growing and growing. So many people that I talk to want to know where I get all of my information and I tell them to come and check the site out. They tell me later that they can't believe the wealth of the information on here. Once again thanks to everyone for making BYCF the great place it is.

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