New Pullets shedding intestinal lining


Apr 18, 2015
Not sure if this is the right place for this thread.

I just purchased a four week and six week old pullet and brought them home a
Week ago. The little one dropped intestinal lining in the crate and has been leaving a little bit each day (I think it's lessening). They were vaccinated for cocci, fed
Medicated food and treated with Corid as a precaution. The farm is on the NPIP and the animals are healthy but I am weirded out. They are in their own separated pen. The farmer thought stress of the move might cause the drop of the lining.

I researched the forums and some folks say it's normal for pullets to shed lining. Is it normal? Would like to know your experiences from managing your flocks.
We had one Orpington pullet who shed quite a bit. It was the first time I'd seen it and we'd hatched a few chicks. I panicked and thought she had worms. Yes, it is weird, but normal.
In my setting, shedding the lining can indicate bad. I do not normally outsource pullets but will attest to it being very stressful. I am not familiar with a vaccine for cocci that would control all cocci strains. Some strains may not be controlled by Corrid. Watch for major increase in fluid intake and weight loss.
In my setting, shedding the lining can indicate bad. I do not normally outsource pullets but will attest to it being very stressful. I am not familiar with a vaccine for cocci that would control all cocci strains. Some strains may not be controlled by Corrid. Watch for major increase in fluid intake and weight loss.
I think I read that the vaccine only protects against a few strains.
I thought if a bird was vaccinated for cocci, that they should not eat medicated feed or be treated with corrid??
I researched the forums and some folks say it's normal for pullets to shed lining. Is it normal?

It's not normal in my flock.
It's normal to occasionally see some shedding in any age bird...but if it's frequent there definitely could be a problem, and it's time to look at the overall behavior and health of the bird.

Providing an update.... both girls looked good and the shedding stopped one week after arrival. Perhaps it was the stress of the move?

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