New rescue, need advise.


Jul 27, 2019
I have a duckling about 5 days old. They were going to put him (?) down due to a twisted leg. He is smart, alert, eating and drinking, just the foot is twisted back and he is either just laying or now trying to walk on the ankle. Is there a way I can help splint to turn it around? I have called local vets they are to busy, went out of state yesterday, and have another vet to call tomorrow. Right now looking for as much info as possible. Thanks in advance.
That is him relaxed in the tub, doing some aqua therapy. It can bend it at the knee, he just pulls it forward and hops with foot dragging behind at same angle. Basically on the ankle


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I have a duckling about 5 days old. They were going to put him (?) down due to a twisted leg. He is smart, alert, eating and drinking, just the foot is twisted back and he is either just laying or now trying to walk on the ankle. Is there a way I can help splint to turn it around? I have called local vets they are to busy, went out of state yesterday, and have another vet to call tomorrow. Right now looking for as much info as possible. Thanks in advance.
Little better view

Hi, there Welcome to BYC!

:hugs Sorry to hear about your duckling! I do think starting her on some B vitamins would be great for overall leg health, but I don't think her leg problem is really niacin related. I would lean more towards possible genetics or an incubation malposition which caused the leg to grow in such away. I'm guessing you hatched her, was this noticeable as soon after she hatched or did it develop a few days later on? I'm unsure of the prognosis for her, given the severe deformity to her leg, I think a splint would prove too painful to the duckling. There are a few surgeries available for ducklings like this, it'll be costly, and there is no guarantee it will work. Please don't think of me as a "Euthazine right away person" but if you are unable to take her to a vet, I'd probably have her put down.

If you provided me with your general location I can find some vets that'll work with her.

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