new research debunks trad views on nutrition

There is no doubt in my mind that the processed foods we and our animals eat have helped lead to a decline in our health. (Among other unhealthy trends in our lifestyle.)

GRAS (Generally Recognized As Safe) has been the standard for decades on many substances. We are finding out how many ingredients GRAS do, in fact, affect our health, and not for the better. We are learning more about how systems in our bodies work, and work together.

There is too much money to be made for too many people to get a wholesale change in our food supply in the short term. Organic used to be the long haired hippy fringe market. Now it's mainstream. Sort of, anyway. There are hundreds? thousands? of additives, preservatives, colorings, emulsifiers, etc., that are GRAS, but now we're finding out that they might not be as safe as we thought. Are you going to get the manufacturers to admit that?

I won't hold my breath.

I'll do the best I can to grow my own food, eat less processed food, get more exercise. In the end, I am responsible for what I eat.
Are there any good DIY feed recipes that provide a balance diet for chickens?
That's a BIG topic here. Short answer... not as easily or cheaply as purchased commercial feed. The sticking point is the "balanced diet" part. You can feed your chickens pasta and rice... for a while, anyway.

For most(?) people, it is not possible, due to the ingredients they can/can't buy. Growing your own is another topic; not many people have the acreage to grow what is needed.

It also depends on where you are located. If you're not in the US, you might not have access to the same ingredients as people in the US, or you might be able to source better ones. You can put your location in your profile, which helps anyone responding to your questions know a bit more how to answer.

Do a search on DIY feed, and you'll find a lot of information. Most of it will be disheartening, if you're looking for a simple, easy, cheap way to make your own chicken feed.
That's a BIG topic here. Short answer... not as easily or cheaply as purchased commercial feed. The sticking point is the "balanced diet" part. You can feed your chickens pasta and rice... for a while, anyway.

For most(?) people, it is not possible, due to the ingredients they can/can't buy. Growing your own is another topic; not many people have the acreage to grow what is needed.

It also depends on where you are located. If you're not in the US, you might not have access to the same ingredients as people in the US, or you might be able to source better ones. You can put your location in your profile, which helps anyone responding to your questions know a bit more how to answer.

Do a search on DIY feed, and you'll find a lot of information. Most of it will be disheartening, if you're looking for a simple, easy, cheap way to make your own chicken feed.
I’m in the US and I don’t really care too much the price as I have a small flock. But making my own feed has been a goal of mine.
That got me thinking about my chickens as well,,, and I wondered how the pioneers did it all WITHOUT commercial food, electricity, etc etc etc… so nonetheless, I am very interested in this thread! Thoughts?
My grandparents didn't feed the draft horse, pigs, cows chickens,cats or dogs commercial feed. They raised and bartered local grains. The horses and cows were fed grains and hay in the winter and the chickens found what they could from the left overs. Pigs got scraps. Dogs and cats were mainly expected to get predators and rodents.

Actually there just was a new oldest dog.... only fed people food
There is no doubt in my mind that the processed foods we and our animals eat have helped lead to a decline in our health. (Among other unhealthy trends in our lifestyle.)

GRAS (Generally Recognized As Safe) has been the standard for decades on many substances. We are finding out how many ingredients GRAS do, in fact, affect our health, and not for the better. We are learning more about how systems in our bodies work, and work together.

There is too much money to be made for too many people to get a wholesale change in our food supply in the short term. Organic used to be the long haired hippy fringe market. Now it's mainstream. Sort of, anyway. There are hundreds? thousands? of additives, preservatives, colorings, emulsifiers, etc., that are GRAS, but now we're finding out that they might not be as safe as we thought. Are you going to get the manufacturers to admit that?

I won't hold my breath.

I'll do the best I can to grow my own food, eat less processed food, get more exercise. In the end, I am responsible for what I eat.
Just stumbled upon this today on emulsifiers:

(not one my my usual go-to sources for information and I haven't checked out the sources)
I know that my dogs’ vet mentioned that all dog breeds’ life expectancy is going down over the decades.

There is a rise in cancers among dogs, that most likely is contributing to decreased life expectancy. What is causing it is the subject of some debate.

Beyond dietary changes leading to obesity and possibly some no quite as safe as we think additions, I've read a couple of different theories. One is that spaying/neutering your dogs too soon can contribute to cancers, as they need the hormones until they are fully any adult, which may be as long as two years. Another is that we are vaccinating our pets too frequently. For example, there is some thought that rabies need only be given every 7 years, rather than every 3.

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