new research debunks trad views on nutrition

I watched a TV program about a Dutch research to find out wether organic food is more healthy than regular (not poison free) food.
It was paid for by our government, conducted by several well known institutes (WUR, TNO snd Louis bolk) several years ago.

The program starts with a veggie farmer who changed from common arable farming with poison and fertilizer to organic. And shows how much more vital the soil is. And what grows on it after 3 years.

The head researcher is now retired and didnā€™t dare to speak about it earlier. But she does now.

They used chickens for the test with ā€˜blindā€™ food A was red and B was blue in the outcomes.

Initially the difference between A and B was small. Just a little difference in growth. B - blue grew a little faster.

After several week the chicks were infected with a cold that stopped them from growing. Chicks A healed faster and their growth overstepped the B group.

The new minister and a person with influence from the WUR didnā€™t want this outcome to get public. And forced the head researcher and her team to write the conclusions in a way that the outcomes were not significant. The report was after it became public misused and the WUR person even told in an article the chickens who had organic feed had an overreacting inmunune system. Which was not true. The government didnā€™t want to spend more money on research.

The former minister said they shouldnā€™t have underestimated the power of the feed and agri industry.

I hope you can let youtube translate the spoken words with subtitles English. Itā€™s a really interesting program telling what is better for your health (but without real proof) and how corrupt our industry and our research institutes are.

If you have any questions about the interview , I be happy to answer if I can.
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Due to predator issues we have to keep them in their coop/run 95% of the time. There are days they get let out but most days itā€™s only in the later afternoon. So to answer your question, yes but not free roaming.

We are going to make some changes to the run soon. It will be used as a compost system and there will also be a yard for them to get some ā€œfree timeā€ in.
We let our chickens roam the backyard all day, we have trees and bushes, as well as some small covered areas that the chickens can hid under. They enjoy their time in the "wild" and I think the eggs taste better.
Occasionally we do lose a chicken to a predator, most nights we put out traps. Last week we caught one of the biggest. raccoons I have ever seen. A female that took up the whole trap.
We lock up our chickens at night, they seem happy and healthy, though they are fed pellets I think they enjoy lizards, bugs, etc. It also keeps them active. The younger ones will jump into the air trying to grab a butterfly, dragonflies, etc.
You have to do what you think is best for your situation and chickens. If they have to stay in the coop most of the day, a bag of crickets tossed in the coop once in a while may help.
I watched a TV program about a Dutch research to find out wether organic food is more healthy than regular (not poison free) food.
It was paid for by our government, conducted by several well known institutes (WUR, TNO snd Louis bolk) several years ago.

The program starts with a veggie farmer who changed from common arable farming with poison and fertilizer to organic. And shows how much more vital the soil is. And what grows on it after 3 years.

The head researcher is now retired and didnā€™t dare to speak about it earlier. But she does now.

They used chickens for the test with ā€˜blindā€™ food A was red and B was blue in the outcomes.

Initially the difference between A and B was small. Just a little difference in growth. B - blue grew a little faster.

After several week the chicks were infected with a cold that stopped them from growing. Chicks A healed faster and their growth overstepped the B group.

The new minister and a person with influence from the WUR didnā€™t want this outcome to get public. And forced the head researcher and her team to write the conclusions in a way that the outcomes were not significant. The report was after it became public misused and the WUR person even told in an article the chickens who had organic feed had an overreacting inmunune system. Which was not true. The government didnā€™t want to spend more money on research.

The former minister said they shouldnā€™t have underestimated the power of the feed and agri industry.

I hope you can let youtube translate the spoken words with subtitles English. Itā€™s a really interesting program telling what is better for your health (but without real proof) and how corrupt our industry and our research institutes are.

If you have any questions about the interview , I be happy to answer if I can.
Very interesting. The translation was a bit word salad at times, but I think I understood the main theme.

It's a shame vested interests got in the way of science. It's like cigarettes all over again.
Who tried? And could you understand the program?
I watched and could understand.
Not use to using subtitles so watching while reading was interesting at times. Your description helped me a lot.

It is a shame honesty and integrity are not more important in this world. Too many things are controlled by money.
I watched a TV program about a Dutch research to find out wether organic food is more healthy than regular (not poison free) food.
It was paid for by our government, conducted by several well known institutes (WUR, TNO snd Louis bolk) several years ago.

The program starts with a veggie farmer who changed from common arable farming with poison and fertilizer to organic. And shows how much more vital the soil is. And what grows on it after 3 years.

The head researcher is now retired and didnā€™t dare to speak about it earlier. But she does now.

They used chickens for the test with ā€˜blindā€™ food A was red and B was blue in the outcomes.

Initially the difference between A and B was small. Just a little difference in growth. B - blue grew a little faster.

After several week the chicks were infected with a cold that stopped them from growing. Chicks A healed faster and their growth overstepped the B group.

The new minister and a person with influence from the WUR didnā€™t want this outcome to get public. And forced the head researcher and her team to write the conclusions in a way that the outcomes were not significant. The report was after it became public misused and the WUR person even told in an article the chickens who had organic feed had an overreacting inmunune system. Which was not true. The government didnā€™t want to spend more money on research.

The former minister said they shouldnā€™t have underestimated the power of the feed and agri industry.

I hope you can let youtube translate the spoken words with subtitles English. Itā€™s a really interesting program telling what is better for your health (but without real proof) and how corrupt our industry and our research institutes are.

If you have any questions about the interview , I be happy to answer if I can.
Thank you for posting this. The auto-translation is quite clunky, but your overview helped me grasp the outlines enough for it to make sense. The economics and the govt and business politics is not really surprising to me, but the apparent conflict of interest at Wageningen Universitet is. And of course the first part on veggies and the soil is I think accepted widely now. Things have moved on a lot in the last 15 years.

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