New rollout nest design Picture heavy-edited 1/21

Thanks Opa, have sprayed it black inside today, fingers crossed they'll come to the party, otherwise their heads might be coming off!
Good news! I'm not crowing too much yet, but I did get an egg in the rollout box this morning... maybe that lick of black paint did the trick! Still keeping fingers crossed and axe sharp.
look great i wont to make one.
I have 16 hens using the rollout box and ocassionally I will get an egg in the lower boxes but for the most part they only want to use two of the top nests.
I got my plywood today to start my build but decided that it was just to d*m hot. It reached 100 here today and figured this project can wait till the outside doesn't feel like an oven.
I'm sure that you will do just fine, most folks underrate their abilities. If you run in to a snag don't hesitate to contact me for my # and maybe I can help get you on track.
Got them put togather today with no problems. I'm trying to find old tire tubes to cut up for the flaps. I did get my matts in the other day. I'll post pictures as soon as they are installed.

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