New Rooster, How long before I can free range him


In the Brooder
8 Years
Mar 12, 2011
Ruston, Louisiana
My new rooster has been here for 2 weeks. My 6 pullets are not yet "mature" if you know what I mean. The Roo is several years old, got him from a guy who lost 1/2 his flock to a raccoon attack and ended up with too many roos. Anyway, how long before he is imprinted on the coop so allow him out in the yard to free range with the girls. My girls go out to free range for several hours every evening, but I have not been letting the Roo out as he tried to run away the first day and we had to go round him up (which was not fun...).. is two weeks enough or do I wait? I really don't want him leading my little girls astray. we live in the middle of the woods and it will be very very hard to round them all up if they decide to go on a field trip. Right now the girls stay in the yard just fine.

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