New Section: BYC Online Poultry Show

How about if someone wins can they reenter same bird? Or if they win in one class enter in another class?

Id like to be a judge-I dont have any pictures!
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I know absolutely nothing about poultry shows, but from what I'm hearing, I think it will be too complicated and too long of a "show" to have as many categories as there are at a real poultry show.
I would suggest these few things:

1. Have 2 classes...............Standard & Bantam
2. Have a category for each BREED (game, cochin, silkies,
Orpingtons, etc.) Do not have a category for each color
variety of 1 breed, that would be just too many categories
3. Have 3 judges for each category. Judges will pick the best
2 pics of their category and vote for the best of that
breed. With odd # of judges, 1 will win by majority.
4. Also, try to have at least 1 judge of any category that is
experienced, or at least familiar, with that breed.
5. Judges can enter, just not in the category they are
judging. (So if Speckledhen is judging the Plymouth Rock
category she couldn't enter a BR, but could enter in the
Orpington category.
6. Once a winner is selected from each category, have a
"Best of Show" for each class (standard & bantam)
7. Allow 1 month to get all entries in and allow 2 weeks for
judging. Then you have 2 weeks to announce winners
and plan for the next show.
8. Allow judges to change categories If they want for each
These few suggestions will guarantee only 1 entry per chicken and will assure that everyone has a fair chance at winning. It would also guarantee that no judge would even have the chance at voting for their chicken and by allowing them to change categories, they would be allowed to enter pics in each category at some point.
Just another idea, but something simple for a prize might just be a BYC t-shirt for the Grand Champion of the whole show each time there was one.
Okay everyone. Let's try to start organizing everything. Lets start with rules. I'm going to start a new thread, with rules, and categories everyone has come up with so far. Go ahead and add to it if you have anymore ideas. They're most definately welcome.
May I also suggest asking everyone to hold all the pics for now, at least until yall can get all the guidelines set in place.

It may be a good thing as well if you placed an age limit too. Birds have to be at least 20 weeks or something. We agree that all chicks are cute and could never pick just 1.

Also, didn't mean to leave out all the other poultry either. Of course have a category for ducks, geese, pheasant, quail, peafowl, etc. Again, just not one for each color variety.
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