new silkie adventure


May 17, 2018
Los Angeles Basin
holy guacamole. what a whirl wind. this post is therapeutic for me. i ve been trying to get silkies for months. i had high expectations...npip, females, and for pick up. every where had been out...or super expensive. i finally broke down and sprang for the expensive dna sexed females from a reputable breeder that sells gorgeous silkies. i was so happy. they are so fluffy and so darn sweet! however, i noticed the blue silkie has a strange twitch. i have 2 older hens and the other splash silkie to compare...none of them had such a twitch. poor baby. her neck/head was constantly twitching. she would get scared and go into the corner of the brooder and her head would just bang against the side. :hitthe breeder said i could bring her back for an exchange, but i was already in love. LOVE! :love i researched here and on the internet. i am part of a silkie fb group and they told me about a fb group for poultry with special needs called CROSSBEAKS & SPECIAL POULTRY. they were great and i was able to speak with a vet. they said that it was neurological and give her extra vitamins. (poly sol, no iron, vit e and selenium) and to keep her stress free. she seems ok. she does so much better with quiet and stress free. this four week old silkie even roosted on a branch in her brooder! she seems a bit curious. hopefully she ll be ok. thanks for letting me spill my stress. any kind words of wisdom to share?
here s a picture of my new babies!

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