Mine is army and has been stateside in MN recruiting since his stint in S. Korea about 3 years ago....Now in June is going with daughter-in-law, and 2 granddaughters to Japan for 3 years, the oldest GD will graduate in Japan....I am beside myself again since S Korea, Kuwait and another :(
They will actually love Japan, I was in Okinawa, will they be there? If so ask if she will be attending Kubasaki High School, that is where I went.
I don't he has final orders yet. They were supposed to go in January, but got it held off until June so the girls could finish out the school year.

Bama1: How long do you have your son home for, and where does he go next?
Here is to a great 2013! Happy New Year everyone!
I had most of my sewing room under control. Then my DS needed to return a antique dresser. Since the dresser belonged to my Great-grand father, I found that I needed to make space for it once again. It is now in the closet of my That meant removing the closet doors, and rearranging everything in the closet. It was a bit like a bomb went off in the room again.

Anyways I am now slowly getting things back under control again. It has been slow going due too having my DH at home for the past three weeks. DH will be heading out for the next job, at the beginning of next week. So I will not have as much of an excuse to avoid the sewing room. I have decided on the pattern for the first 8 blocks, and I am still looking for a different pattern for the other 8 blocks.

So this is my check-in for the week. I am looking forward to having a tidy sewing room once again, so that I can get things done in there.

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