So what would be more fun, red and black or pink and black? I have found the pattern that I am planning to use, now I just need to figure out which combination of colors would preferred. I think that the collection of pinks is closer to what was originally suggested in the pattern, but the reds that I have will work also. The original pattern calls for reds and cream fabric, with a combination of pattern and floral prints.

I may end up making 8 of each of the red and pink, if I can't locate my other pattern stencils. I know that I must have the pattern stencils in the sewing room, but so far they are hiding from me.

I will say that the sewing room is now cleaner and better organized, than it has been for a long time. My dear eenie114 will be very pleased with me when she comes over at the end of January.

It is also going to help that my DH is going back to work, and will be on the road during the weeks for the next couple of months. This means that I will only need to cook on weekends again. I enjoyed the fact that he was home for the last 3 weeks, but it can be rather difficult to get things done while DH is home. For some reason the man seems to want to eat everyday. lol
And they not only want to eat everyday but several times a day, whats the deal,
. then they wonder why we enjoy them gone so much, let see don't have to pick up as much, or clean, or cook, or ..................
Just wanting to check in and let you know that I'll still here, lurking... and pondering what block to make! :)

Happy New Year everyone!
I'm still here too! Lurking as usual.
Hope everyone had a great holiday season.

Well, the first doctor bill of the season has been paid - DH managed to split his lip open and needed 8 stitches. The doctor couldn't find a razor, so he sewed him up with his mustache still in place. That was good because DH had a bunch of meetings for work this week and you can't really see the stitches too well in the bushy 'stache.

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