New to BYC

G’Day from down under Gnostic76 :frow Welcome!

My tip ... do not attempt to resist chicken-math, resistance is futile ;)

I do hope you enjoy being a BYC member. There are lots of friendly and very helpful folks here so not only is it overflowing with useful information it is also a great place to make friends and have some fun.

If you would like to share pictures and stories of your flock, you have come to the right place. BYC’ers never tire of these and do not back away slowly or commence eye rolling when the photo album or home videos come out ;)
RIR's are gorgeous! Talkative little gals too! How's your rooster? We had issues with them going mean, but then an acquaintance of ours has a very well mannered one.
He's actually really chill and prett
RIR's are gorgeous! Talkative little gals too! How's your rooster? We had issues with them going mean, but then an acquaintance of ours has a very well mannered one.
He's actually really chill and pretty quiet. He even let's my daughter pet him when I bring her in their pen with me. I still keep an eye on him when she's with me. I've heard and read they can be aggressive. I lucked out with him.
He's actually really chill and pretty quiet. He even let's my daughter pet him when I bring her in their pen with me. I still keep an eye on him when she's with me. I've heard and read they can be aggressive. I lucked out with him.
That's great, ours were never friendly, but simply ignored us...until they matured. Then Suddenly they would start sneaking up behind you and attacking. My mum got a softball size bruise on the back of her leg from one, thank goodness she was wearing thick jeans! She started carrying a stick after that, and luckily (kinda?) they had a predator attack shortly afterwards and the roos took one for the team. So, I guess they were at least doing a good job in that respect! They were very good at protecting the hens. However, since I have two small boys, I was not a fan!
That's great, ours were never friendly, but simply ignored us...until they matured. Then Suddenly they would start sneaking up behind you and attacking. My mum got a softball size bruise on the back of her leg from one, thank goodness she was wearing thick jeans! She started carrying a stick after that, and luckily (kinda?) they had a predator attack shortly afterwards and the roos took one for the team. So, I guess they were at least doing a good job in that respect! They were very good at protecting the hens. However, since I have two small boys, I was not a fan!
Wow that's crazy. I'll have to keep my eye on him even more now. A rooster like that and kids don't mix. I hope mine doesn't change. I would hate to have to get rid of him.
Hello and welcome to BYC!! It’s so nice to have you join us. welcome.gif

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