New to chickens..curled toe, now limping.... ideas?


In the Brooder
10 Years
Jun 18, 2009
Laramie, WY
I have a flock of 5 month old Barred Rocks (5 birds). Since we got them, one hen has had curled toes and this has never bothered her. I didn't worry about it because several of the chickens at our zoo have similar feet, and they are obviously fine. Well now that hen is limping. I checked her feet and didn't see any signs of bumble foot based on what I have read here. She will put weight on the leg, but doesn't want to. I have her quarantined in a dog crate with two inches of pine shavings based on what I've read in a previous post. I just want to check if there is anything else I can do for her. Will it hurt her to treat her for bumble foot if there are no signs? if so, should I treat the whole flock? How long should I keep her in the crate?

She is by far my kids favorite chicken, and we already lost three from our flock due to the neighbors dogs. Hoping not to get any lower! Thanks in advance for the advice!
I would go with vitamin treatment to begin with. Sometimes, a riboflavin deficiency can cause these problems. I would give her .5 mls poly vi sol, without iron, once a day. Hopefully, she will respond to the vitamin therapy.
thanks. I will try that. She's not very happy in solitary, but I have a hen that is a bit of a bully, so I'm going to try and give her a little space. Any ideas on the antibiotics would be appreciated!
I didn't mention antibiotics since she is not showing any signs of a bacterial infection.

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