New to chickens. I have lurked this site for a year and finally got myself 5 baby chicks. I'm scared to death they'll not do well under my care. Help

Welcome! Continue to learn how to use this site, because everything you need to know is here. Plus, there are lots of members who’ve been through just about everything with their own flocks and can guide you through. Good wishes for you and your teeny ones! 🙂
You've already gotten lots of links and information from others.

My advice?
  • Pay attention to the chicks, are they active? Any changes in behavior?
  • Don't leave them vulnerable to pets or children, weather
  • Don't underestimate the determination of predators, make your chicks' home truly secure (don't skimp, you'll regret it later)
  • Keep reading and learning
  • Enjoy!
We're using our late dogs cage right now. Lined the sides with cardboard to keep them in and have feed from where we bought them. Have water w/rocks in the dish and everything seems to be OK. Noticed they are getting taller and wing feathers showing. Hubby is building coop and run as fast as he can, Weather is just too hot for him (COPD) to work very long. Watching closely healthwise/clean chicks/happy Momma/Will try to get pics soon? Thanks all
Sounds good!

I also used a dog crate for my brooder. They'll outgrow it quickly, my bantams did.

I used a plastic dog house base for a play yard.
If you haven't been raised around chickens or ever had them before you might want to read the forum on coops and runs before you build one.I grew up around chickens but we free ranged them so when I started out making one for my chicks I didn't realize how much ventilation they needed.Fortunately I was able to raise the roof to add more ventilation before completing it. Otherwise I couldn't have used it at all. I wish you the best and hope your chicks do fabulous! Welcome to BYC!
Really good advice.

Climate makes a difference, too. I was going to make a simple wooden box coop but saw other designs that were more appropriate for zone 8a (long, hot, humid summers). I built a hoop coop for maximum ventilation.
Really good advice.

Climate makes a difference, too. I was going to make a simple wooden box coop but saw other designs that were more appropriate for zone 8a (long, hot, humid summers). I built a hoop coop for maximum ventilation.
Thanks! Better to make changes than try to convert one (like mine)It works like a charm now but looks ridiculous.I added an L shaped run (predator proof ) on the front that hides it Lol
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We're using our late dogs cage right now. Lined the sides with cardboard to keep them in and have feed from where we bought them. Have water w/rocks in the dish and everything seems to be OK. Noticed they are getting taller and wing feathers showing. Hubby is building coop and run as fast as he can, Weather is just too hot for him (COPD) to work very long. Watching closely healthwise/clean chicks/happy Momma/Will try to get pics soon? Thanks all
They grow so fast!

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