New to Forum and am keeping "illegal" chickens


Sounds to me like you are at a stalemate here because you both have animals you shouldn't. The real question is, who's going to flinch first? Move to the country.
Have you tried othering them eggs??

Sometimes one people see the chickens aren't all that bad then they are ok with them.

Also some cities that have Legal Legislation against "pit bulls" don't care what they call it. If it has a "thick head flat head" and a "huge mouth" it's a pit bull.

I work at one of the only animal shelter in the area that will adopt out "pit bulls" and I've seen many big headed labs get considered a "pit bull"

(I keep putting pit bull in quotes since the AKC doesn't even consider it a breed since it has no breed standard the UKC does though)

Anyways....Maybe if they made friends with the birds learned that the bird aren't all that bad, that they don't carry horrible sickness or anything they might like them.
Thanks for all the advice. Right now we are building a privacy fence and looking for property out of town( not much hope of that )
The town we live in has about 370 people total. That is why they use civil court ,I guess. It takes about 20 minutes for the local Sheriff to get here and then he can usually only do something if there is property damage or in the case of dogs he will shoot them if they are dangerous.
As for the neighbors dog, I really wish that it was truly an American Terrier. My vet looked at him and told me that it was actually a Pit Bull.I love animals so I really don't care what it is as long as it doesn't "do" anything.
I had thought of saying that my birds are actually black vulture parrots. They are black Australorps and only three months old so they are kind of homely right now. One we think might actually be a Jersey Giant. It's bigger than the other girls and the feather color isn't quite the same. We had Red Cochin Bantams last time. They "mysteriously" Disappeared from a Coop that had a metal sliding door that was latched. Quess that they learned to open their coop!

Hopefully, a TALL fence will do the trick and my husband is talking a survelance camera, since other things have gone"missing".
I too am an illegal chicken farmer in michigan. Sounds like we should form a support group!
I'm just keeping my fingers crossed that all the neighbors are okay with them. They are not free range and stay in coop and run at all times. Plus we have good relations with all the neighbors.. Plus my flock is only 4 boys allowed!

Good luck and happy chickening!
Shhhh....flying under the radar here.....who puts a HOA out in the middle of nowhere??? We have a 'no livestock' provision that was adopted in 1968....I can't believe no one has challenged it yet (I'm not gonna do it, don't want to draw attention to myself). I have neighbors who also have two pit-bulls, not very nice ones either, who have ran up onto my property aggressively barking at me. I'm just hoping that since I didn't call the authorities that they do the same. They don't even have a fence....keep both of them in the garage and on a deck when not home...our yard is fenced, the chickens are enclosed and I'm hoping they enjoy eggs once the girls start laying.
I live in the middle of cattle country, 45 minutes from town with cattle right across the street....HOA in the middle of nowhere....who's the idiot??? We're not even considered a town, our community is divided by a county line. low!
Yes the American Staffordshire terrier is considered a Pitbull to all areas who have breed specific legislature. AmStaffs are bred from pitbulls but were bred to produce a smaller more agile pitbull. Anyways. Im in the same boat.. I'm not " suppose " to have chickens.. But theyre not hurting anyone and noone has complained. gogo gadject privacy fence lol
Privacy fence.

We are "legal" but barely. I refuse to pay $100.00 for the permit to keep poultry. I mean really? $100?? The permit for horses is $10. And I am not calling city hall to ask if it is a typo. I am sooo not drawing attention to myself.
At this point I think I am going to keep them inside the house as long as and as much as possible.
I would love it if I could pay $100.00 to have peace of mind. It would be cheaper that my 400 feet of privacy fence that has to go up. But, I can understand not wanting to pay that. It just seems werid that I can live 2 blocks away from a farm,but not be able to enjoy my girls.
Whenever, the neighbors are gone it is such a liberating feeling. No one watching our every move, let's go out and play with our birds.
I know this is of my own making. I chose to keep birds knowing it was illegal. I have always liked chickens since I was a little girl and it felt like something was missing when I didn't. I know.....I know.... I need to live on a farm! But my dad said I'll have to wait until he croaks before I can move out in the middle of nowhere. Nearest neighbor is three miles as the crow flies, 7 by the road. HEAVEN!! But I'd rather my dad hang on to it for a long time!!

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